############################################################################################## # GWAS SUMMARY STATISTICS FROM COHORTS INCLUDED IN YENGO et al. Nature (2022) EXCEPT 23andMe # ############################################################################################## SUMMARY DATA ARE PROVIDED FOR 5 ANCESTRIES / ETHNICITY GROUPS [AFR: African (mostly AFRICAN AMERICAN)] [EAS: East-Asian] [SAS: South-Asian] [HIS: Hispanic] [EUR: European] [ALL: Fixed-effect mete-analysis of all ancestries groups] COLUMN DESCRIPTION FOR FILE NAMED GIANT_HEIGHT_YENGO_2022_GWAS_SUMMARY_STATS_*.gz - SNPID (represented as CHR:POS:REF:ALT) - RSID (RS NUMBER, WHEN AVAILABLE) - CHR CHROMOSOME - POS GENOMIC POSIION (BASE PAIR) - hg19/hg37 BUILD - EFFECT_ALLELE - OTHER_ALLELE - EFFECT_ALLELE_FREQ (3 significant figures) - BETA (6 significant figures) - SE (3 significant figures) - P P-VALUE MARGINAL EFFECT - N ###################################################################################################### # POLYGENIC SCORE (PGS) WEIGHTS DERIVED FROM GWAS SUMMARY STATISTICS FROM YENGO et al. Nature (2022) # # PGS WEIGHTS WERE CALCULATED USING DATA INCLUDING 23andMe # ###################################################################################################### COLUMN DESCRIPTION FOR FILE NAMED GIANT_HEIGHT_YENGO_2022_PGS_WEIGHTS_*.gz - SNPID (represented as CHR:POS(hg19):REF:ALT) - RSID (If missing, lookup in dbsnp performed. If still missing, chr:pos used) - CHR CHROMOSOME - POS GENOMIC POSIION (BASE PAIR) - hg19/hg37 BUILD - PGS_EFFECT_ALLELE - PGS_WEIGHT (posterior joint SNP effect) - PGS_OTHER_ALLELE - PGS_POSTERIOR_STANDARD_ERROR (posterior standard deviation of joint SNP effect) PGS Method: PGS weights were generated using the SBayesC method implemented with GCTB (v. 2.0) from GWAS summary statistics including data from 23andMe (i.e., based on the largest samples). SBayesC ran with ancestry group matched linkage disequilibrium matrix except for the cross-ancestry meta-analysis (i.e., *ALL* file), which is based on an LD matrix estimated in a European ancestry sample.