Within-family genome-wide association statistics from sibling regression analyses. Sibling regression was implemented as the regression of the difference of phenotypes between siblings onto the difference of minor allele counts. This analysis yields same effect sizes as the QFAM procedure implemented in the corrected version of Plink 1.9 (correlation of effect sizes is 1). Estimates are for HapMap3 SNPs, which passed QC thresholds of MAF>1%, HWE < 1x10-6, Imputation info score > 0.4. Columns are chromosome (CHROM), genomic position (BP), Tested Allele (A1), Alternative Allele (A2), Tested allele frequency (FREQ_A1), Number of sibling pairs (N_SIBPAIRS), SNP effect sizes (BETA) in trait standard deviation per allele, Standard errors of estimated SNP effect sizes (SE) and association p-value (PVAL) from Wald-test.