We will learn how to evaluate the prediction accuracy and demonstrate some pitfalls for genetic prediction.
Further information: https://cnsgenomics.com/data/teaching/SISG/module_10/Mod10_Session7Naomi/Practical7/
### set the working directory
### read phenotype value and prediction scores
pheno = read.table("quan.pheno", header=T)
prs = read.table("quan.prs", header=T)
covar = read.table("quan.covar", header=T)
data = merge(pheno, prs, by="ID")
data = merge(data, covar, by="ID")
### linear regression
lmR = lm(pheno ~ age + sex, data=data) ### reduced module
lmF = lm(pheno ~ age + sex + prs, data=data) ### full module
### look at the summary results for the two models
### incremental r-square
summary(lmF)$"r.square" - summary(lmR)$"r.square"
## [1] 0.09699574
### read phenotype value and prediction scores
pheno = read.table("bin.pheno", header=T)
prs = read.table("bin.prs", header=T)
covar = read.table("bin.covar", header=T)
data = merge(pheno, prs, by="ID")
data = merge(data, covar, by="ID")
### logistic regression
glmR = glm(pheno ~ age + sex, data=data, family=binomial(logit)) ### reduced module
glmF = glm(pheno ~ age + sex + prs, data=data, family=binomial(logit)) ### full module
### look at the summary results for the two models
### log-likelihood
N = nrow(data)
LLF = logLik(glmF)
LLR = logLik(glmR)
### Cox&Snell R2
CSv <- 1-exp((2/N)*(LLR[1]-LLF[1]))
## [1] 0.06630625
### Nagelkerke's R2
NKv <- CSv/(1-exp((2/N)*LLR[1]))
## [1] 0.08864474
### AUC
### install.packages('pROC')
aucF = auc(data$pheno, glmF$linear.predictors) ### AUC for reduced module
aucR = auc(data$pheno, glmR$linear.predictors) ### AUC for full module
aucF; aucR
## Area under the curve: 0.6553
## Area under the curve: 0.5508
aucF - aucR
## [1] 0.1044923
### draw the ROC
## Warning in system2("/usr/bin/otool", c("-L", shQuote(DSO)), stdout = TRUE):
## running command ''/usr/bin/otool' -L '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/
## library/tcltk/libs//tcltk.so'' had status 1
plotROC(data=data, cOutcome=2, predrisk=glmF$linear.predictors)
## AUC [95% CI] for the model 1 : 0.655 [ 0.645 - 0.666 ]
### cut into deciles
data$decile = cut(data$prs, breaks=c(quantile(data$prs, probs=seq(0,1,by=0.1))), labels=1:10, include.lowest=T)
### calculate manually the odds in each decile
#### install.packages("tidyverse")
data %>% group_by(decile) %>%
summarise(n_case=sum(pheno==1), n_control=sum(pheno==0)) %>%
mutate(odds = n_case/n_control) %>%
mutate(ORs = odds/odds[1])
### calculate ORs using logistic regression
glmD <- glm(pheno ~ decile, data = data, family = binomial(logit))
### Odds for being a case compared to control in each decile
ORD <- exp(glmD$coefficients)
## (Intercept) decile2 decile3 decile4 decile5 decile6
## 0.3869626 1.4599481 2.0140435 2.0140435 2.6682694 2.7772424
## decile7 decile8 decile9 decile10
## 3.4396153 3.6278605 4.6545084 7.0225713
### Plot odds
ORDL <- exp(glmD$coefficients-1.96*summary(glmD)$coefficients[,2])
ORDH <- exp(glmD$coefficients+1.96*summary(glmD)$coefficients[,2])
arrows(seq(1,10,1), ORD, seq(1,10,1), ORDH, angle=90,length=0.10) # Draw error bars
arrows(seq(1,10,1), ORD, seq(1,10,1), ORDL, angle=90,length=0.10) # Draw error bars
### function to convert R-square from 0-1 observed scale
### to liability scale
h2l_R2 <- function(k, r2, p) {
# k baseline disease risk
# r2 from a linear regression model of genomic profile risk score
# p proportion of sample that are cases
# calculates proportion of variance explained on the liability scale
# from ABC at http://www.complextraitgenomics.com/software/
# Lee SH, Goddard ME, Wray NR, Visscher PM. (2012) A better coefficient of determination for genetic profile analysis. Genet Epidemiol. 2012 Apr;36(3):214-24.
x = qnorm(1-k)
z = dnorm(x)
i = z/k
C = k*(1-k)*k*(1-k)/(z^2*p*(1-p))
theta = i*((p-k)/(1-k))*(i*((p-k)/(1-k))-x)
h2l_R2 = C*r2 / (1 + C*theta*r2)
K=0.1 ## population prevalence
P = sum(data$pheno)/nrow(data) ### propotion of cases in the sample
## [1] 0.5071
### linear regression with 0/1 values
lmR = lm(pheno~age+sex, data=data)
lmF = lm(pheno~age+sex+prs, data=data)
R2v = summary(lmF)$"r.square" - summary(lmR)$"r.square"
## [1] 0.06580439
### convert to liability scale
## [1] 0.07114465
### we simulate data now
set.seed(612) ### set a seed for reproducation
n=1000; m=100 ### n: sample size; m: the number of SNPs
### simulate gneotype from binomial distribution
### minor allele frequency from uniform distribution
mafs = runif(m, 0.05, 0.5)
x = do.call("cbind", lapply(1:m, function(x) rbinom(n, 2, mafs[x])))
colnames(x) = paste("SNP", 1:m, sep="")
### simulate a phenotype from an independent standard normal distribution
### null hypothesis: prediction accuracy should be 0
y = rnorm(n)
data = data.frame(y, x)
### E(R2) = m/n when m<n
summary(lm(as.formula(paste("y~", paste("SNP", 1:m, sep="", collapse="+"), sep="")),data=data.frame(data)))$"r.square"
## [1] 0.08951179
### perform GWAS: association using R lm() function
### instead of Plink software (only practical for small data)
### select the top 10 SNPs
pvals = sapply(1:m, function(i) coef(summary(lm(y~x[,i])))[2,4])
### No p-values passed Bonferroni threshold of 5e-4 (0.05/100)
## [1] 0.0007738269 0.0144049898 0.0185012440 0.0612186306 0.0612745215
## [6] 0.0616904469
top10SNPs = colnames(x)[head(order(pvals), 10)]
summary(lm(as.formula(paste("y~", paste(top10SNPs, collapse="+"), sep="")),data=data))$"r.square"
## [1] 0.04027331
### 0.04027/0.0895(=0.4499) >> 10/100(=0.1)
### first 900 samples into discovery set
y_dis = y[1:900]
x_dis = x[1:900,]
### the remaining 100 samples into target set
y_target = y[901:1000]
x_target = x[901:1000,]
### estimate effect sizes in the total sample
b_total = sapply(1:m, function(i) coef(summary(lm(y~x[,i])))[2,1])
### evaluate the PRS in the target sample
prs1 = x_target %*% b_total
## [1] 0.1573479
### estimate effect sizes only in the discovery sample
b_dis = sapply(1:m, function(i) coef(summary(lm(y_dis~x_dis[,i])))[2,1])
### evaluate the PRS in the target sample
prs2 = x_target %*% b_dis
## [1] 0.001510061