################################################################################################################################# ###### ###### Program: GnG Winter School 2024 MR practical 1 ###### R packages loaded: AER ###### Datafiles : data.txt ###### Objective : GnG Winter School 2024 MR practical 1 ###### ##################################################################################################################### # Make sure to start from a clean environment rm(list=ls()) # Set your working directory in R to this folder and read in the dataset setwd("/**YOUR DIRECTORY**/") example <- read.table("data.txt", header=T) attach(example) # Q1. As you’re running the commands below, fill in the graphical representation # of the analyses in the word document figure with the appropriate variables and beta-coefficients # Look at the data # Units: SNP (0,1,2), CRP mmol/L, SBP mmHg, Income per $10,000, HDL mmol/L head(example) summary(example) # Observational Analyses # Q2. What does the observational linear regression of SBP on CRP show? # Run observational OLS regression (ordinary least squares) for SBP & CRP summary(lm(SBP~CRP)) # Plot the observational association between SBP and CRP plot(CRP,SBP) abline(lm(SBP~CRP),col="red") # Q3. What does the OLS regression of the CRP SNP rs3091244 on CRP show? # Observational OLS regression of CRP on CRP SNP summary(lm(CRP~rs3091244)) # Plot the relationship between CRP and rs3091244 plot(rs3091244, CRP) abline(lm(CRP~rs3091244),col="red") # Q4. What do the OLS regressions of potential confounders (income, HDL) show? # Confounders summary(lm(SBP~INCOME)) summary(lm(CRP~INCOME)) summary(lm(INCOME~rs3091244)) summary(lm(SBP~HDL)) summary(lm(CRP~HDL)) summary(lm(HDL~rs3091244)) # Q5. What are the implications for these income and HDL associations for the observational CRP-SBP association? # Q6. Compare the unadjusted and covariate-adjusted OLS observational regressions. What do they show? # Run a covariate-adjusted model for the association between CRP & BP summary(lm(SBP~CRP)) summary(lm(SBP~CRP+INCOME+HDL)) # Q7. What could explain this? # MR/IV Analyses: Wald Estimator # Q8. Run the necessary OLS regressions to compute a Wald estimator # OLS regression of CRP on CRP SNP summary(lm(CRP~rs3091244)) # OLS regression of SBP on CRP SNP summary(lm(SBP~rs3091244)) # Q9. From the above output, compute the causal effect using the Wald estimator, # as well as it’s SE and 95% CI. What do the results show and what do they mean? # Q10. Rerun the observational OLS of CRP and SBP and compare with the results # from the Wald estimator. What do you notice about the Beta and SEs? # Observational OLS regression summary(lm(SBP~CRP)) # MR/IV Analyses: TSLS # Call the AER library to run TSLS (if the AER package has been installed) library(AER) # If AER has not been installed, run the command below first: #install.packages("AER") # General format for TSLS command: # summary(ivreg(Outcome~Exposure | Instrument)) # Q11. What do the TSLS results show and did it differ to the Wald estimator? # TSLS regression summary(ivreg(SBP~CRP | rs3091244)) # Manual TSLS # Regress the exposure (CRP) on the instrument (rs3091244) First_Stage <- lm(CRP~rs3091244) # Create predicted CRP values, from the first-stage regression Pred_CRP <- predict(First_Stage) # Have a quick look at these values table(Pred_CRP) plot(rs3091244, CRP) abline(lm(CRP~ rs3091244), col="red") # Second stage regression Second_Stage <- lm(SBP~Pred_CRP) # Look at the results: summary(Second_Stage) # Q12. Are they the same as ‘ivreg’ TSLS function? # Weak instruments bias # Q13. Looking at the F-statistic, determine if weak instruments may be an issue #Look at F-stat from the first-stage linear regression summary(lm(CRP~rs3091244)) #Look at F-stat from ‘diagnostics’ by AER package summary(ivreg(SBP~CRP | rs3091244), diagnostics=T) # Q14. How would having weak instruments change the causal estimate of CRP on SBP, # in this study (single sample)?