With thanks to Kaitlin Wade.


Preliminary steps

If you haven’t already installed the necessary packages with libraries, please do so!

For this practical, you will need:


Set working directory to your local directory.

For example:


Does BMI causally affect Coronary Heart Disease?


  • Identify independent SNPs from BMI GWAS for use as the instrument variable of MR.

  • Merge and harmonize with SNPs from the CHD GWAS.

  • Check for palindromic SNPs and for SNPs in opposing directions.

  • Estimate Wald Ratio and meta analyze results.

  • Calculate heterogeneity statistics.

  • Run sensitivity analyses.


Understanding data and defining our genetic instruments for BMI.

1. We will be using results from the Locke et al. 2015 paper using data from the GIANT Consortium (downloaded from https://portals.broadinstitute.org/collaboration/giant/index.php/GIANT_consortium_data_files)

Note: If you want to have a look at the full GIANT data, then download, save to your working directory and load in the full results (this is a fairly large file) using the following code:
giant_full <- read.table(“./GIANT_raw.uniq”, header = T)

In the Locke et al. paper, the authors describe a certain number of SNPs that are “approximately independently associated with BMI” across all ancestries.
Let’s have a look at these SNPs.
Note: This file was generated by taking the first rows from the Supplementary Table 8 of the Locke et al. paper.

snps <- read.csv("./Data/giant_snps_all.csv", header = T)

a. How many SNPs do authors describe as being independently associated with BMI in all ancestries?

## [1] 97 14
##          SNP CHR          BP NearestGene Effect_Allele Other_Allele  Beta    SE
## 1  rs1558902  16  52,361,075         FTO             A            T 0.081 0.003
## 2  rs6567160  18  55,980,115        MC4R             C            T 0.056 0.004
## 3 rs13021737   2     622,348      TMEM18             G            A 0.060 0.004
## 4 rs10938397   4  44,877,284      GNPDA2             G            A 0.040 0.003
## 5   rs543874   1 176,156,103      SEC16B             G            A 0.050 0.004
## 6  rs2207139   6  50,953,449      TFAP2B             G            A 0.045 0.004
##     EAF Variance       N         P          Sig_Analysis     Sig_P
## 1 0.409   0.316% 336,974 1.13e-156 European sex-combined 7.51e-153
## 2 0.236   0.114% 339,006  6.68e-59 European sex-combined  3.93e-53
## 3 0.830   0.103% 333,169  5.44e-54 European sex-combined  1.11e-50
## 4 0.428   0.078% 337,092  1.42e-40 European sex-combined  3.21e-38
## 5 0.195   0.077% 339,078  2.29e-40 European sex-combined  2.62e-35
## 6 0.176   0.058% 339,089  8.06e-31 European sex-combined  4.13e-29

b. What information does this file contain that are needed for Mendelian randomization analyses?

##  [1] "SNP"           "CHR"           "BP"            "NearestGene"  
##  [5] "Effect_Allele" "Other_Allele"  "Beta"          "SE"           
##  [9] "EAF"           "Variance"      "N"             "P"            
## [13] "Sig_Analysis"  "Sig_P"

c. How many are associated within only Europeans?

##            All Ancestries              European Men European Population Based 
##                        10                         3                         4 
##     European sex-combined            European Women 
##                        77                         3

d. Why might it be best to use the SNPs that have been identified as being associated with BMI in Europeans only?

2. Read in the second sheet of this file to get the estimates of the SNPs associated with BMI in Europeans.

euro_snps <- read.csv("./Data/giant_snps_euro.csv", header = T)
## [1] 77 12
##          SNP CHR          BP NearestGene Effect_Allele Other_Allele  Beta    SE
## 1  rs1558902  16  52,361,075         FTO             A            T 0.082 0.003
## 2  rs6567160  18  55,980,115        MC4R             C            T 0.056 0.004
## 3 rs13021737   2     622,348      TMEM18             G            A 0.060 0.004
## 4 rs10938397   4  44,877,284      GNPDA2             G            A 0.040 0.003
## 5   rs543874   1 176,156,103      SEC16B             G            A 0.048 0.004
## 6  rs2207139   6  50,953,449      TFAP2B             G            A 0.045 0.004
##     EAF Variance       N         P
## 1 0.415   0.325% 320,073 7.51e-153
## 2 0.236   0.111% 321,958  3.93e-53
## 3 0.828   0.103% 318,287  1.11e-50
## 4 0.434   0.079% 320,955  3.21e-38
## 5 0.193   0.072% 322,008  2.62e-35
## 6 0.177   0.058% 322,019  4.13e-29

a. Check that these are all associated with BMI at a conventional level of genome-wide significance.

##  [1] 7.51e-153  3.93e-53  1.11e-50  3.21e-38  2.62e-35  4.13e-29  5.56e-28
##  [8]  2.66e-26  8.15e-24  8.78e-24  3.14e-23  1.89e-22  1.48e-18  4.59e-18
## [15]  1.91e-17  5.15e-17  6.19e-17  3.28e-15  4.81e-15  1.23e-14  1.74e-14
## [22]  6.61e-14  7.03e-14  5.48e-13  1.09e-12  1.31e-12  1.83e-12  2.07e-12
## [29]  1.11e-11  1.14e-11  2.07e-11  2.25e-11  2.90e-11  5.94e-11  1.15e-10
## [36]  1.17e-10  1.63e-10  1.75e-10  1.83e-10  1.94e-10  2.29e-10  3.55e-10
## [43]  6.33e-10  7.47e-10  7.91e-10  8.11e-10  1.33e-09  1.92e-09  2.48e-09
## [50]  2.49e-09  3.99e-09  4.56e-09  7.34e-09  7.41e-09  7.76e-09  8.45e-09
## [57]  1.20e-08  1.25e-08  1.28e-08  1.39e-08  1.48e-08  1.61e-08  1.83e-08
## [64]  1.89e-08  2.02e-08  2.31e-08  2.41e-08  2.55e-08  2.60e-08  2.67e-08
## [71]  2.96e-08  2.97e-08  3.19e-08  3.42e-08  3.86e-08  4.17e-08  4.89e-08
## [1] 77

b. Are all of these SNPs “good instruments”?
What else might we want to check to see if they are strongly and independently associated with BMI?

3. We’re going to make sure the effect allele is the allele that increases BMI using the effect allele and beta column. Browse the data, are all SNPs coded so that the effect allele increases BMI?

a. Are all SNP effects in the same direction?

##           SNP Effect_Allele  Beta    SE         P
## 1   rs1558902             A 0.082 0.003 7.51e-153
## 2   rs6567160             C 0.056 0.004  3.93e-53
## 3  rs13021737             G 0.060 0.004  1.11e-50
## 4  rs10938397             G 0.040 0.003  3.21e-38
## 5    rs543874             G 0.048 0.004  2.62e-35
## 6   rs2207139             G 0.045 0.004  4.13e-29
## 7  rs11030104             A 0.041 0.004  5.56e-28
## 8   rs3101336             C 0.033 0.003  2.66e-26
## 9   rs7138803             A 0.032 0.003  8.15e-24
## 10 rs10182181             G 0.031 0.003  8.78e-24
## 11  rs3888190             A 0.031 0.003  3.14e-23
## 12  rs1516725             C 0.045 0.005  1.89e-22
## 13 rs12446632             G 0.040 0.005  1.48e-18
## 14  rs2287019             C 0.036 0.004  4.59e-18
## 15 rs16951275             T 0.031 0.004  1.91e-17
## 16  rs3817334             T 0.026 0.003  5.15e-17
## 17  rs2112347             T 0.026 0.003  6.19e-17
## 18 rs12566985             G 0.024 0.003  3.28e-15
## 19  rs3810291             A 0.028 0.004  4.81e-15
## 20  rs7141420             T 0.024 0.003  1.23e-14
## 21 rs13078960             G 0.030 0.004  1.74e-14
## 22 rs10968576             G 0.025 0.003  6.61e-14
## 23 rs17024393             C 0.066 0.009  7.03e-14
## 24   rs657452             A 0.023 0.003  5.48e-13
## 25 rs12429545             A 0.033 0.005  1.09e-12
## 26 rs12286929             G 0.022 0.003  1.31e-12
## 27 rs13107325             T 0.048 0.007  1.83e-12
## 28 rs11165643             T 0.022 0.003  2.07e-12
## 29  rs7903146             C 0.023 0.003  1.11e-11
## 30 rs10132280             C 0.023 0.003  1.14e-11
## 31 rs17405819             T 0.022 0.003  2.07e-11
## 32  rs1016287             T 0.023 0.003  2.25e-11
## 33  rs4256980             G 0.021 0.003  2.90e-11
## 34 rs17094222             C 0.025 0.004  5.94e-11
## 35 rs12401738             A 0.021 0.003  1.15e-10
## 36  rs7599312             G 0.022 0.003  1.17e-10
## 37  rs2365389             C 0.020 0.003  1.63e-10
## 38   rs205262             G 0.022 0.004  1.75e-10
## 39  rs2820292             C 0.020 0.003  1.83e-10
## 40 rs12885454             C 0.021 0.003  1.94e-10
## 41 rs12016871             T 0.030 0.005  2.29e-10
## 42 rs16851483             T 0.048 0.008  3.55e-10
## 43  rs1167827             G 0.020 0.003  6.33e-10
## 44   rs758747             T 0.023 0.004  7.47e-10
## 45  rs1928295             T 0.019 0.003  7.91e-10
## 46  rs9925964             A 0.019 0.003  8.11e-10
## 47 rs11126666             A 0.021 0.003  1.33e-09
## 48  rs2650492             A 0.021 0.004  1.92e-09
## 49  rs6804842             G 0.019 0.003  2.48e-09
## 50 rs12940622             G 0.018 0.003  2.49e-09
## 51 rs11847697             T 0.049 0.008  3.99e-09
## 52  rs4740619             T 0.018 0.003  4.56e-09
## 53 rs13191362             A 0.028 0.005  7.34e-09
## 54  rs3736485             A 0.018 0.003  7.41e-09
## 55 rs17001654             G 0.031 0.005  7.76e-09
## 56 rs11191560             C 0.031 0.005  8.45e-09
## 57  rs1528435             T 0.018 0.003  1.20e-08
## 58  rs2075650             A 0.026 0.005  1.25e-08
## 59  rs1000940             G 0.019 0.003  1.28e-08
## 60  rs2033529             G 0.019 0.003  1.39e-08
## 61 rs11583200             C 0.018 0.003  1.48e-08
## 62  rs9400239             C 0.019 0.003  1.61e-08
## 63 rs10733682             A 0.017 0.003  1.83e-08
## 64 rs11688816             G 0.017 0.003  1.89e-08
## 65 rs11057405             G 0.031 0.006  2.02e-08
## 66  rs2121279             T 0.025 0.004  2.31e-08
## 67    rs29941             G 0.018 0.003  2.41e-08
## 68 rs11727676             T 0.036 0.006  2.55e-08
## 69  rs3849570             A 0.019 0.003  2.60e-08
## 70  rs6477694             C 0.017 0.003  2.67e-08
## 71  rs7899106             G 0.040 0.007  2.96e-08
## 72  rs2176598             T 0.020 0.004  2.97e-08
## 73  rs2245368             C 0.032 0.006  3.19e-08
## 74 rs17724992             A 0.019 0.004  3.42e-08
## 75  rs7243357             T 0.022 0.004  3.86e-08
## 76  rs1808579             C 0.017 0.003  4.17e-08
## 77  rs2033732             C 0.019 0.004  4.89e-08
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.01700 0.02000 0.02300 0.02847 0.03200 0.08200


SNP lookup in cardiogram, a GWAS of coronary heart disease.

1. These were downloaded from the CARDIOGRAM website http://www.cardiogramplusc4d.org/ and provided for you (however, this is quite a large file so we have truncated for you using the following code):

CARDIOGRAM <- read.table(“./CARDIoGRAM_GWAS_RESULTS.txt”, header = T)


top_1000 <- CARDIOGRAM[c(1:1000),]

bottom_1000 <- CARDIOGRAM[c((nrow(CARDIOGRAM)-1000):(nrow(CARDIOGRAM))),]

CARDIOGRAM_TRUNC <- rbind(BMI_SNPS_in_CARDIOGRAM, top_1000, bottom_1000)

write.table(CARDIOGRAM_TRUNC, “./CARDIOGRAM_CLEANED.txt”, quote = F, col.names = T, row.names = F, sep = “)

a. How many SNPs are in this truncated CARDIOGRAM dataset?

CARDIOGRAM <- read.table("./Data/CARDIOGRAM_CLEANED.txt", sep="\t", header=T, colClasses = "character")
## [1] 2078   12
##          SNP chr_pos_.b36. reference_allele other_allele ref_allele_frequency
## 1   rs657452 chr1:49362434                G            A           0.60513584
## 2 rs11583200 chr1:50332407                C            T           0.39664739
## 3  rs3101336 chr1:72523773                C            T           0.60256842
## 4 rs12566985 chr1:74774781                G            A           0.44899777
## 5 rs12401738 chr1:78219349                G            A           0.62028006
## 6 rs11165643 chr1:96696685                C            T           0.41074541
##      pvalue het_pvalue   log_odds log_odds_se N_case N_control model
## 1 0.2262602 0.27224751 -0.0174996   0.0144619  19723     57869    FE
## 2 0.1818971 0.45532089  0.0190464   0.0142676  20247     58547    FE
## 3 0.6796559 0.57600141   0.005948   0.0144044  19760     58014    FE
## 4 0.3564933 0.42546079 -0.0128532   0.0139396  20806     61606    FE
## 5 0.1955482 0.24955897 -0.0195047   0.0150693  18196     58218    FE
## 6 0.9557793 0.82853378 -0.0007751   0.0139775  20644     61437    FE

b. Does this file contain everything that is required to perform a two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis?

##  [1] "SNP"                  "chr_pos_.b36."        "reference_allele"    
##  [4] "other_allele"         "ref_allele_frequency" "pvalue"              
##  [7] "het_pvalue"           "log_odds"             "log_odds_se"         
## [10] "N_case"               "N_control"            "model"

2. How many of the BMI SNPs are included in the CARDIOGRAM dataset?

BMI_SNPs <- euro_snps$SNP
BMI_SNPs <- as.vector(BMI_SNPs)
matches <- unique(grep(paste(BMI_SNPs, collapse="|"), CARDIOGRAM$SNP, value=TRUE))
##  [1] "rs657452"   "rs11583200" "rs3101336"  "rs12566985" "rs12401738"
##  [6] "rs11165643" "rs17024393" "rs543874"   "rs2820292"  "rs13021737"
## [11] "rs10182181" "rs11126666" "rs1016287"  "rs11688816" "rs2121279" 
## [16] "rs1528435"  "rs7599312"  "rs6804842"  "rs2365389"  "rs3849570" 
## [21] "rs13078960" "rs16851483" "rs1516725"  "rs10938397" "rs17001654"
## [26] "rs13107325" "rs11727676" "rs2112347"  "rs205262"   "rs2033529" 
## [31] "rs2207139"  "rs9400239"  "rs13191362" "rs1167827"  "rs2245368" 
## [36] "rs17405819" "rs2033732"  "rs4740619"  "rs10968576" "rs6477694" 
## [41] "rs1928295"  "rs10733682" "rs7899106"  "rs17094222" "rs11191560"
## [46] "rs7903146"  "rs4256980"  "rs11030104" "rs2176598"  "rs3817334" 
## [51] "rs12286929" "rs7138803"  "rs11057405" "rs12016871" "rs12429545"
## [56] "rs10132280" "rs12885454" "rs11847697" "rs7141420"  "rs3736485" 
## [61] "rs16951275" "rs758747"   "rs12446632" "rs2650492"  "rs3888190" 
## [66] "rs9925964"  "rs1558902"  "rs1000940"  "rs12940622" "rs1808579" 
## [71] "rs7243357"  "rs6567160"  "rs17724992" "rs29941"    "rs2075650" 
## [76] "rs2287019"  "rs3810291"

View the data from CARDIOGRAM for our BMI SNPs.

##           SNP   chr_pos_.b36. reference_allele other_allele
## 1    rs657452   chr1:49362434                G            A
## 2  rs11583200   chr1:50332407                C            T
## 3   rs3101336   chr1:72523773                C            T
## 4  rs12566985   chr1:74774781                G            A
## 5  rs12401738   chr1:78219349                G            A
## 6  rs11165643   chr1:96696685                C            T
## 7  rs17024393  chr1:109956211                C            T
## 8    rs543874  chr1:176156103                G            A
## 9   rs2820292  chr1:200050910                C            A
## 10 rs13021737     chr2:622348                G            A
## 11 rs10182181   chr2:25003800                G            A
## 12 rs11126666   chr2:26782315                G            A
## 13  rs1016287   chr2:59159129                C            T
## 14 rs11688816   chr2:62906552                G            A
## 15  rs2121279  chr2:142759755                C            T
## 16  rs1528435  chr2:181259207                C            T
## 17  rs7599312  chr2:213121476                G            A
## 18  rs6804842   chr3:25081441                G            A
## 19  rs2365389   chr3:61211502                C            T
## 20  rs3849570   chr3:81874802                C            A
## 21 rs13078960   chr3:85890280                G            T
## 22 rs16851483  chr3:142758126                G            T
## 23  rs1516725  chr3:187306698                C            T
## 24 rs10938397   chr4:44877284                G            A
## 25 rs17001654   chr4:77348592                C            G
## 26 rs13107325  chr4:103407732                C            T
## 27 rs11727676  chr4:145878514                C            T
## 28  rs2112347   chr5:75050998                G            T
## 29   rs205262   chr6:34671142                G            A
## 30  rs2033529   chr6:40456631                G            A
## 31  rs2207139   chr6:50953449                G            A
## 32  rs9400239  chr6:109084356                C            T
## 33 rs13191362  chr6:162953340                G            A
## 34  rs1167827   chr7:75001105                G            A
## 35  rs2245368   chr7:76446079                C            T
## 36 rs17405819   chr8:76969139                C            T
## 37  rs2033732   chr8:85242264                C            T
## 38  rs4740619   chr9:15624326                C            T
## 39 rs10968576   chr9:28404339                G            A
## 40  rs6477694  chr9:110972163                C            T
## 41  rs1928295  chr9:119418304                C            T
## 42 rs10733682  chr9:128500735                G            A
## 43  rs7899106  chr10:87400884                G            A
## 44 rs17094222 chr10:102385430                C            T
## 45 rs11191560 chr10:104859028                C            T
## 46  rs7903146 chr10:114748339                C            T
## 47  rs4256980   chr11:8630515                C            G
## 48 rs11030104  chr11:27641093                G            A
## 49  rs2176598  chr11:43820854                C            T
## 50  rs3817334  chr11:47607569                C            T
## 51 rs12286929 chr11:114527614                G            A
## 52  rs7138803  chr12:48533735                G            A
## 53 rs11057405 chr12:121347850                G            A
## 54 rs12016871  chr13:26915782                C            T
## 55 rs12429545  chr13:53000207                G            A
## 56 rs10132280  chr14:24998019                C            A
## 57 rs12885454  chr14:28806589                C            A
## 58 rs11847697  chr14:29584863                C            T
## 59  rs7141420  chr14:78969207                C            T
## 60  rs3736485  chr15:49535902                G            A
## 61 rs16951275  chr15:65864222                C            T
## 62   rs758747   chr16:3567359                C            T
## 63 rs12446632  chr16:19842890                G            A
## 64  rs2650492  chr16:28240912                G            A
## 65  rs3888190  chr16:28796987                C            A
## 66  rs9925964  chr16:31037396                G            A
## 67  rs1558902  chr16:52361075                T            A
## 68  rs1000940   chr17:5223976                G            A
## 69 rs12940622  chr17:76230166                G            A
## 70  rs1808579  chr18:19358886                C            T
## 71  rs7243357  chr18:55034299                G            T
## 72  rs6567160  chr18:55980115                C            T
## 73 rs17724992  chr19:18315825                G            A
## 74    rs29941  chr19:39001372                G            A
## 75  rs2075650  chr19:50087459                G            A
## 76  rs2287019  chr19:50894012                C            T
## 77  rs3810291  chr19:52260843                G            A
##    ref_allele_frequency    pvalue het_pvalue   log_odds log_odds_se N_case
## 1            0.60513584 0.2262602 0.27224751 -0.0174996   0.0144619  19723
## 2            0.39664739 0.1818971 0.45532089  0.0190464   0.0142676  20247
## 3            0.60256842 0.6796559 0.57600141   0.005948   0.0144044  19760
## 4            0.44899777 0.3564933 0.42546079 -0.0128532   0.0139396  20806
## 5            0.62028006 0.1955482 0.24955897 -0.0195047   0.0150693  18196
## 6            0.41074541 0.9557793 0.82853378 -0.0007751   0.0139775  20644
## 7            0.03280444 0.7560841 0.13856056  0.0139407   0.0448792  14934
## 8            0.19669364 0.7931315 0.27599476  -0.004636   0.0176779  21134
## 9            0.56965298 0.0099703 0.58433751  0.0359029   0.0139328  21198
## 10           0.80895378 0.3153078 0.69171591  0.0186889   0.0186117  20834
## 11           0.46240927 0.9498548 0.61182332  0.0009032   0.0143625  19568
## 12           0.71929726 0.1809574 0.89136444  0.0209674   0.0156729  21443
## 13           0.72117719  0.102763 0.12279346 -0.0254175   0.0155782  20468
## 14            0.5348187 0.9710981 0.35503175  0.0005135   0.0141725  19915
## 15           0.86261919 0.8737069 0.41814919 -0.0032328   0.0203383  20892
## 16           0.37962868 0.7415367 0.81685878  0.0047002   0.0142509  20460
## 17           0.70337496 0.9192913 0.10235164  0.0016027   0.0158173  20703
## 18           0.57965224 0.9107156 0.67473071  0.0016094   0.0143525  20403
## 19           0.55986741 0.3350863 0.91057566  0.0136276   0.0141377  20635
## 20           0.61947841  0.126133 0.00935007 -0.0390811   0.0255511  20556
## 21           0.22900043 0.1345178 0.03395648 -0.0258172   0.0172515  20549
## 22           0.93429797 0.5088742 0.05493564 -0.0188109   0.0284759  19390
## 23            0.8590188 0.1629709 0.22517731 -0.0279354   0.0200233  20476
## 24           0.41363733 0.0278084 0.68643434  0.0349131   0.0158698  16024
## 25           0.83729352 0.5035566 0.53373783 -0.0126514   0.0189136  21412
## 26           0.97601496 0.9074287 0.45904911 -0.0049381   0.0424663  14269
## 27           0.08996777 0.4402455 0.48987311  0.0253447   0.0328393  15668
## 28           0.36318919 0.5414854 0.58598695 -0.0088627   0.0145155  20579
## 29           0.25943383 0.0001102  0.4801711  0.0614484   0.0158908  20409
## 30           0.26951838 0.6939016  0.9186536 -0.0061959    0.015743  18908
## 31           0.17342856 0.3550604  0.6093131  0.0170642   0.0184515  20539
## 32           0.71596318 0.0227834 0.07735518  0.0348705   0.0153139  20460
## 33           0.12900275 0.5722799 0.54836822 -0.0116552   0.0206397  21401
## 34           0.59298726 0.2370525 0.84489268  0.0190735   0.0161314  15647
## 35           0.16123262 0.5501828 0.14094314  0.0303632   0.0508183   3340
## 36           0.32156614 0.9167122 0.22795208 -0.0015648   0.0149631  20724
## 37           0.75652234 0.1335914 0.04706672 -0.0253631   0.0169077  18943
## 38           0.46589474 0.2675504 0.95611066 -0.0154694   0.0139524  20779
## 39           0.31119502 0.5871441 0.53064937    0.00811   0.0149361  20590
## 40            0.3768822 0.0596142 0.73673365  -0.026955   0.0143101  21572
## 41           0.44991607  0.970387 0.77734102    0.00052   0.0140084  21633
## 42           0.52449229 0.1829671  0.5076359 -0.0212797   0.0159796  15670
## 43           0.06251531 0.5857598 0.35079691 -0.0163075   0.0299225  20393
## 44           0.22353262   0.72768 0.77948036 -0.0059791   0.0171708  21528
## 45           0.11109357 0.0001767 0.53911165 -0.0966196   0.0257636  20098
## 46           0.69817348 0.2034467 0.36081083 -0.0192779   0.0151581  19910
## 47           0.34826703  0.299491 0.02913706  0.0150656   0.0145207  20711
## 48           0.19185393 0.0496195 0.36961605  -0.034644   0.0176464  21638
## 49           0.74580823 0.1264641 0.05596993 -0.0247371   0.0161872  20452
## 50           0.58779101 0.1194239 0.81445328 -0.0219146   0.0140731  21525
## 51           0.50744154 0.9892883 0.46198211  0.0001851   0.0137839  21869
## 52           0.61809264 0.9656206  0.9396865  0.0006419   0.0148916  19151
## 53           0.92089578 0.4796771 0.59224188 -0.0214346   0.0303253  13629
## 54           0.80407573 0.3017645 0.36210717 -0.0181606   0.0175863  20330
## 55             0.845308 0.0396211 0.93056094 -0.0480905   0.0233712  16413
## 56           0.66888613  0.302347  0.2972794  0.0169764   0.0164594  16945
## 57             0.631088 0.9719424 0.66514854 -0.0005252   0.0149317  19926
## 58           0.96069173 0.0476032 0.26232231 -0.0707465   0.0357144  20155
## 59           0.48985341 0.8946607 0.95298609 -0.0018271   0.0137989  21258
## 60           0.55461993 0.5162199 0.10728276  0.0091099   0.0140328  20940
## 61             0.235351 0.0024846 0.22809659 -0.0513109   0.0169611  20781
## 62           0.74188258 0.0076412 0.91893399  0.0613185    0.022987   8437
## 63           0.84624483 0.6290302 0.33198375 -0.0101474   0.0210052  20232
## 64           0.70112768 0.5639757 0.05832099  0.0126597   0.0219426   8628
## 65           0.57882566 0.8709159 0.00489802 -0.0042697    0.026276  19770
## 66           0.38141338 0.6696603  0.2066786  0.0060442   0.0141679  20484
## 67           0.58450108 0.0205892 0.26380736 -0.0324866   0.0140305  20777
## 68           0.31640352 0.5722296 0.79718646 -0.0091901   0.0162722  16633
## 69           0.55719561 0.6813264 0.13926311  -0.005711   0.0139071  20824
## 70           0.54056958  0.500074 0.17404987  0.0096342   0.0142861  19215
## 71           0.19721707 0.5943844 0.73397076 -0.0098297   0.0184597  20404
## 72           0.26395759   0.13325 0.33646334   0.024367   0.0162294  20445
## 73           0.25712419  0.002919 0.87146506 -0.0493236    0.016573  19109
## 74           0.67182131 0.7661974 0.88467459 -0.0044497   0.0149645  20307
## 75            0.1705933 0.1957039 0.33474452  0.0378692   0.0292677   6913
## 76           0.79836678 0.0618941   0.086903   0.045534   0.0243882   8640
## 77           0.33939316 0.0303086 0.59137189 -0.0422661   0.0195131  11287
##    N_control model
## 1      57869    FE
## 2      58547    FE
## 3      58014    FE
## 4      61606    FE
## 5      58218    FE
## 6      61437    FE
## 7      53634    FE
## 8      61643    FE
## 9      61870    FE
## 10     61762    FE
## 11     56734    FE
## 12     59360    FE
## 13     61571    FE
## 14     58201    FE
## 15     61352    FE
## 16     61311    FE
## 17     57717    FE
## 18     61351    FE
## 19     61523    FE
## 20     61394    RE
## 21     61416    FE
## 22     59683    FE
## 23     61368    FE
## 24     55685    FE
## 25     61536    FE
## 26     35628    FE
## 27     53910    FE
## 28     61408    FE
## 29     58712    FE
## 30     56847    FE
## 31     61411    FE
## 32     61373    FE
## 33     61861    FE
## 34     51329    FE
## 35     18930    FE
## 36     61620    FE
## 37     59038    FE
## 38     61682    FE
## 39     61535    FE
## 40     59220    FE
## 41     59309    FE
## 42     51340    FE
## 43     60788    FE
## 44     62065    FE
## 45     60493    FE
## 46     58247    FE
## 47     61646    FE
## 48     59361    FE
## 49     61406    FE
## 50     61809    FE
## 51     62138    FE
## 52     56023    FE
## 53     49312    FE
## 54     61194    FE
## 55     52969    FE
## 56     58264    FE
## 57     60456    FE
## 58     61186    FE
## 59     62144    FE
## 60     61375    FE
## 61     61718    FE
## 62     44300    FE
## 63     58533    FE
## 64     44465    FE
## 65     59987    RE
## 66     61554    FE
## 67     61645    FE
## 68     54057    FE
## 69     61691    FE
## 70     57225    FE
## 71     61241    FE
## 72     61296    FE
## 73     59755    FE
## 74     58647    FE
## 75     27904    FE
## 76     44554    FE
## 77     50470    FE

3. Merge the GIANT and CARDIOGRAM SNP summary associations.

First, make sure the column headings are easy to understand (i.e., add “BMI” and “CHD” onto the respective datasets).

colnames(euro_snps) <- paste("BMI", colnames(euro_snps), sep = "_")
##      BMI_SNP BMI_CHR      BMI_BP BMI_NearestGene BMI_Effect_Allele
## 1  rs1558902      16  52,361,075             FTO                 A
## 2  rs6567160      18  55,980,115            MC4R                 C
## 3 rs13021737       2     622,348          TMEM18                 G
## 4 rs10938397       4  44,877,284          GNPDA2                 G
## 5   rs543874       1 176,156,103          SEC16B                 G
## 6  rs2207139       6  50,953,449          TFAP2B                 G
##   BMI_Other_Allele BMI_Beta BMI_SE BMI_EAF BMI_Variance   BMI_N     BMI_P
## 1                T    0.082  0.003   0.415       0.325% 320,073 7.51e-153
## 2                T    0.056  0.004   0.236       0.111% 321,958  3.93e-53
## 3                A    0.060  0.004   0.828       0.103% 318,287  1.11e-50
## 4                A    0.040  0.003   0.434       0.079% 320,955  3.21e-38
## 5                A    0.048  0.004   0.193       0.072% 322,008  2.62e-35
## 6                A    0.045  0.004   0.177       0.058% 322,019  4.13e-29
colnames(CARDIOGRAM) <- paste("CHD", colnames(CARDIOGRAM), sep = "_")
##      CHD_SNP CHD_chr_pos_.b36. CHD_reference_allele CHD_other_allele
## 1   rs657452     chr1:49362434                    G                A
## 2 rs11583200     chr1:50332407                    C                T
## 3  rs3101336     chr1:72523773                    C                T
## 4 rs12566985     chr1:74774781                    G                A
## 5 rs12401738     chr1:78219349                    G                A
## 6 rs11165643     chr1:96696685                    C                T
##   CHD_ref_allele_frequency CHD_pvalue CHD_het_pvalue CHD_log_odds
## 1               0.60513584  0.2262602     0.27224751   -0.0174996
## 2               0.39664739  0.1818971     0.45532089    0.0190464
## 3               0.60256842  0.6796559     0.57600141     0.005948
## 4               0.44899777  0.3564933     0.42546079   -0.0128532
## 5               0.62028006  0.1955482     0.24955897   -0.0195047
## 6               0.41074541  0.9557793     0.82853378   -0.0007751
##   CHD_log_odds_se CHD_N_case CHD_N_control CHD_model
## 1       0.0144619      19723         57869        FE
## 2       0.0142676      20247         58547        FE
## 3       0.0144044      19760         58014        FE
## 4       0.0139396      20806         61606        FE
## 5       0.0150693      18196         58218        FE
## 6       0.0139775      20644         61437        FE
merged <- merge(euro_snps,CARDIOGRAM, by.x="BMI_SNP", by.y="CHD_SNP")
## [1] 77 23
##      BMI_SNP BMI_CHR      BMI_BP BMI_NearestGene BMI_Effect_Allele
## 1  rs1000940      17   5,223,976          RABEP1                 G
## 2 rs10132280      14  24,998,019          STXBP6                 C
## 3  rs1016287       2  59,159,129       LINC01122                 T
## 4 rs10182181       2  25,003,800           ADCY3                 G
## 5 rs10733682       9 128,500,735           LMX1B                 A
## 6 rs10938397       4  44,877,284          GNPDA2                 G
##   BMI_Other_Allele BMI_Beta BMI_SE BMI_EAF BMI_Variance   BMI_N    BMI_P
## 1                A    0.019  0.003   0.320       0.016% 321,836 1.28e-08
## 2                A    0.023  0.003   0.682       0.023% 321,797 1.14e-11
## 3                C    0.023  0.003   0.287       0.021% 321,969 2.25e-11
## 4                A    0.031  0.003   0.462       0.047% 321,759 8.78e-24
## 5                G    0.017  0.003   0.478       0.015% 320,727 1.83e-08
## 6                A    0.040  0.003   0.434       0.079% 320,955 3.21e-38
##   CHD_chr_pos_.b36. CHD_reference_allele CHD_other_allele
## 1     chr17:5223976                    G                A
## 2    chr14:24998019                    C                A
## 3     chr2:59159129                    C                T
## 4     chr2:25003800                    G                A
## 5    chr9:128500735                    G                A
## 6     chr4:44877284                    G                A
##   CHD_ref_allele_frequency CHD_pvalue CHD_het_pvalue CHD_log_odds
## 1               0.31640352  0.5722296     0.79718646   -0.0091901
## 2               0.66888613   0.302347      0.2972794    0.0169764
## 3               0.72117719   0.102763     0.12279346   -0.0254175
## 4               0.46240927  0.9498548     0.61182332    0.0009032
## 5               0.52449229  0.1829671      0.5076359   -0.0212797
## 6               0.41363733  0.0278084     0.68643434    0.0349131
##   CHD_log_odds_se CHD_N_case CHD_N_control CHD_model
## 1       0.0162722      16633         54057        FE
## 2       0.0164594      16945         58264        FE
## 3       0.0155782      20468         61571        FE
## 4       0.0143625      19568         56734        FE
## 5       0.0159796      15670         51340        FE
## 6       0.0158698      16024         55685        FE


Harmonizing the effect alleles in the giant and cardiogram datasets.

1. Make sure that the effect alleles in the CARDIOGRAM and GIANT datasets are the same. We want the cardiogram effect allele to be the allele that increases BMI.

But be careful of palindromic SNPs or SNPs on different strands.
First we need to see whether the effect alleles are the same.
Browse the data.

merged[,c("BMI_SNP", "BMI_Effect_Allele","CHD_reference_allele","BMI_Other_Allele","CHD_other_allele","BMI_EAF","CHD_ref_allele_frequency")]
##       BMI_SNP BMI_Effect_Allele CHD_reference_allele BMI_Other_Allele
## 1   rs1000940                 G                    G                A
## 2  rs10132280                 C                    C                A
## 3   rs1016287                 T                    C                C
## 4  rs10182181                 G                    G                A
## 5  rs10733682                 A                    G                G
## 6  rs10938397                 G                    G                A
## 7  rs10968576                 G                    G                A
## 8  rs11030104                 A                    G                G
## 9  rs11057405                 G                    G                A
## 10 rs11126666                 A                    G                G
## 11 rs11165643                 T                    C                C
## 12 rs11191560                 C                    C                T
## 13 rs11583200                 C                    C                T
## 14  rs1167827                 G                    G                A
## 15 rs11688816                 G                    G                A
## 16 rs11727676                 T                    C                C
## 17 rs11847697                 T                    C                C
## 18 rs12016871                 T                    C                C
## 19 rs12286929                 G                    G                A
## 20 rs12401738                 A                    G                G
## 21 rs12429545                 A                    G                G
## 22 rs12446632                 G                    G                A
## 23 rs12566985                 G                    G                A
## 24 rs12885454                 C                    C                A
## 25 rs12940622                 G                    G                A
## 26 rs13021737                 G                    G                A
## 27 rs13078960                 G                    G                T
## 28 rs13107325                 T                    C                C
## 29 rs13191362                 A                    G                G
## 30  rs1516725                 C                    C                T
## 31  rs1528435                 T                    C                C
## 32  rs1558902                 A                    T                T
## 33 rs16851483                 T                    G                G
## 34 rs16951275                 T                    C                C
## 35 rs17001654                 G                    C                C
## 36 rs17024393                 C                    C                T
## 37 rs17094222                 C                    C                T
## 38 rs17405819                 T                    C                C
## 39 rs17724992                 A                    G                G
## 40  rs1808579                 C                    C                T
## 41  rs1928295                 T                    C                C
## 42  rs2033529                 G                    G                A
## 43  rs2033732                 C                    C                T
## 44   rs205262                 G                    G                A
## 45  rs2075650                 A                    G                G
## 46  rs2112347                 T                    G                G
## 47  rs2121279                 T                    C                C
## 48  rs2176598                 T                    C                C
## 49  rs2207139                 G                    G                A
## 50  rs2245368                 C                    C                T
## 51  rs2287019                 C                    C                T
## 52  rs2365389                 C                    C                T
## 53  rs2650492                 A                    G                G
## 54  rs2820292                 C                    C                A
## 55    rs29941                 G                    G                A
## 56  rs3101336                 C                    C                T
## 57  rs3736485                 A                    G                G
## 58  rs3810291                 A                    G                G
## 59  rs3817334                 T                    C                C
## 60  rs3849570                 A                    C                C
## 61  rs3888190                 A                    C                C
## 62  rs4256980                 G                    C                C
## 63  rs4740619                 T                    C                C
## 64   rs543874                 G                    G                A
## 65  rs6477694                 C                    C                T
## 66  rs6567160                 C                    C                T
## 67   rs657452                 A                    G                G
## 68  rs6804842                 G                    G                A
## 69  rs7138803                 A                    G                G
## 70  rs7141420                 T                    C                C
## 71  rs7243357                 T                    G                G
## 72   rs758747                 T                    C                C
## 73  rs7599312                 G                    G                A
## 74  rs7899106                 G                    G                A
## 75  rs7903146                 C                    C                T
## 76  rs9400239                 C                    C                T
## 77  rs9925964                 A                    G                G
##    CHD_other_allele BMI_EAF CHD_ref_allele_frequency
## 1                 A   0.320               0.31640352
## 2                 A   0.682               0.66888613
## 3                 T   0.287               0.72117719
## 4                 A   0.462               0.46240927
## 5                 A   0.478               0.52449229
## 6                 A   0.434               0.41363733
## 7                 A   0.320               0.31119502
## 8                 A   0.792               0.19185393
## 9                 A   0.901               0.92089578
## 10                A   0.283               0.71929726
## 11                T   0.583               0.41074541
## 12                T   0.089               0.11109357
## 13                T   0.396               0.39664739
## 14                A   0.553               0.59298726
## 15                A   0.525                0.5348187
## 16                T   0.910               0.08996777
## 17                T   0.042               0.96069173
## 18                T   0.203               0.80407573
## 19                A   0.523               0.50744154
## 20                A   0.352               0.62028006
## 21                A   0.133                 0.845308
## 22                A   0.865               0.84624483
## 23                A   0.446               0.44899777
## 24                A   0.642                 0.631088
## 25                A   0.575               0.55719561
## 26                A   0.828               0.80895378
## 27                T   0.196               0.22900043
## 28                T   0.072               0.97601496
## 29                A   0.879               0.12900275
## 30                T   0.872                0.8590188
## 31                T   0.631               0.37962868
## 32                A   0.415               0.58450108
## 33                T   0.066               0.93429797
## 34                T   0.784                 0.235351
## 35                G   0.153               0.83729352
## 36                T   0.040               0.03280444
## 37                T   0.211               0.22353262
## 38                T   0.700               0.32156614
## 39                A   0.746               0.25712419
## 40                T   0.534               0.54056958
## 41                T   0.548               0.44991607
## 42                A   0.293               0.26951838
## 43                T   0.747               0.75652234
## 44                A   0.273               0.25943383
## 45                A   0.848                0.1705933
## 46                T   0.629               0.36318919
## 47                T   0.152               0.86261919
## 48                T   0.251               0.74580823
## 49                A   0.177               0.17342856
## 50                T   0.180               0.16123262
## 51                T   0.804               0.79836678
## 52                T   0.582               0.55986741
## 53                A   0.303               0.70112768
## 54                A   0.555               0.56965298
## 55                A   0.669               0.67182131
## 56                T   0.613               0.60256842
## 57                A   0.454               0.55461993
## 58                A   0.666               0.33939316
## 59                T   0.407               0.58779101
## 60                A   0.359               0.61947841
## 61                A   0.403               0.57882566
## 62                G   0.646               0.34826703
## 63                T   0.542               0.46589474
## 64                A   0.193               0.19669364
## 65                T   0.365                0.3768822
## 66                T   0.236               0.26395759
## 67                A   0.394               0.60513584
## 68                A   0.575               0.57965224
## 69                A   0.384               0.61809264
## 70                T   0.527               0.48985341
## 71                T   0.812               0.19721707
## 72                T   0.265               0.74188258
## 73                A   0.724               0.70337496
## 74                A   0.052               0.06251531
## 75                T   0.713               0.69817348
## 76                T   0.688               0.71596318
## 77                A   0.620               0.38141338

a. How can we tell if the CARDIOGRAM and GIANT SNPs are coded using the same reference strand?

b. Are CARDIOGRAM and the GIANT SNPs coded using the same reference strand?

c. Are there any palindromic SNPs?

palindromic_at<-subset(merged,BMI_Effect_Allele %in% "A" & BMI_Other_Allele %in% "T")
palindromic_ta<-subset(merged,BMI_Effect_Allele %in% "T" & BMI_Other_Allele %in% "A")
palindromic_gc<-subset(merged,BMI_Effect_Allele %in% "G" & BMI_Other_Allele %in% "C")
palindromic_cg<-subset(merged,BMI_Effect_Allele %in% "C" & BMI_Other_Allele %in% "G")
## [1]  1 23
## [1]  0 23
## [1]  2 23
## [1]  0 23

d. How can we tell whether the effect alleles are the same in both datasets for palindromic SNPs (i.e., the allele that increases BMI is the same as the reference allele in CARDIOGRAM)?

2. Make sure the CARDIOGRAM log odds ratio reflects the allele that increases BMI in the GIANT data.

First, find the positions of SNPs with different effect alleles.

##      BMI_SNP BMI_CHR      BMI_BP BMI_NearestGene BMI_Effect_Allele
## 1  rs1000940      17   5,223,976          RABEP1                 G
## 2 rs10132280      14  24,998,019          STXBP6                 C
## 3  rs1016287       2  59,159,129       LINC01122                 T
## 4 rs10182181       2  25,003,800           ADCY3                 G
## 5 rs10733682       9 128,500,735           LMX1B                 A
## 6 rs10938397       4  44,877,284          GNPDA2                 G
##   BMI_Other_Allele BMI_Beta BMI_SE BMI_EAF BMI_Variance   BMI_N    BMI_P
## 1                A    0.019  0.003   0.320       0.016% 321,836 1.28e-08
## 2                A    0.023  0.003   0.682       0.023% 321,797 1.14e-11
## 3                C    0.023  0.003   0.287       0.021% 321,969 2.25e-11
## 4                A    0.031  0.003   0.462       0.047% 321,759 8.78e-24
## 5                G    0.017  0.003   0.478       0.015% 320,727 1.83e-08
## 6                A    0.040  0.003   0.434       0.079% 320,955 3.21e-38
##   CHD_chr_pos_.b36. CHD_reference_allele CHD_other_allele
## 1     chr17:5223976                    G                A
## 2    chr14:24998019                    C                A
## 3     chr2:59159129                    C                T
## 4     chr2:25003800                    G                A
## 5    chr9:128500735                    G                A
## 6     chr4:44877284                    G                A
##   CHD_ref_allele_frequency CHD_pvalue CHD_het_pvalue CHD_log_odds
## 1               0.31640352  0.5722296     0.79718646   -0.0091901
## 2               0.66888613   0.302347      0.2972794    0.0169764
## 3               0.72117719   0.102763     0.12279346   -0.0254175
## 4               0.46240927  0.9498548     0.61182332    0.0009032
## 5               0.52449229  0.1829671      0.5076359   -0.0212797
## 6               0.41363733  0.0278084     0.68643434    0.0349131
##   CHD_log_odds_se CHD_N_case CHD_N_control CHD_model
## 1       0.0162722      16633         54057        FE
## 2       0.0164594      16945         58264        FE
## 3       0.0155782      20468         61571        FE
## 4       0.0143625      19568         56734        FE
## 5       0.0159796      15670         51340        FE
## 6       0.0158698      16024         55685        FE
effect_diff <- which(merged$BMI_Effect_Allele != merged$CHD_reference_allele) # The position of SNPs where effect alleles are different
merged[effect_diff,c("BMI_SNP", "BMI_Effect_Allele","CHD_reference_allele","BMI_Other_Allele","CHD_other_allele","BMI_EAF","CHD_ref_allele_frequency")]
##       BMI_SNP BMI_Effect_Allele CHD_reference_allele BMI_Other_Allele
## 3   rs1016287                 T                    C                C
## 5  rs10733682                 A                    G                G
## 8  rs11030104                 A                    G                G
## 10 rs11126666                 A                    G                G
## 11 rs11165643                 T                    C                C
## 16 rs11727676                 T                    C                C
## 17 rs11847697                 T                    C                C
## 18 rs12016871                 T                    C                C
## 20 rs12401738                 A                    G                G
## 21 rs12429545                 A                    G                G
## 28 rs13107325                 T                    C                C
## 29 rs13191362                 A                    G                G
## 31  rs1528435                 T                    C                C
## 32  rs1558902                 A                    T                T
## 33 rs16851483                 T                    G                G
## 34 rs16951275                 T                    C                C
## 35 rs17001654                 G                    C                C
## 38 rs17405819                 T                    C                C
## 39 rs17724992                 A                    G                G
## 41  rs1928295                 T                    C                C
## 45  rs2075650                 A                    G                G
## 46  rs2112347                 T                    G                G
## 47  rs2121279                 T                    C                C
## 48  rs2176598                 T                    C                C
## 53  rs2650492                 A                    G                G
## 57  rs3736485                 A                    G                G
## 58  rs3810291                 A                    G                G
## 59  rs3817334                 T                    C                C
## 60  rs3849570                 A                    C                C
## 61  rs3888190                 A                    C                C
## 62  rs4256980                 G                    C                C
## 63  rs4740619                 T                    C                C
## 67   rs657452                 A                    G                G
## 69  rs7138803                 A                    G                G
## 70  rs7141420                 T                    C                C
## 71  rs7243357                 T                    G                G
## 72   rs758747                 T                    C                C
## 77  rs9925964                 A                    G                G
##    CHD_other_allele BMI_EAF CHD_ref_allele_frequency
## 3                 T   0.287               0.72117719
## 5                 A   0.478               0.52449229
## 8                 A   0.792               0.19185393
## 10                A   0.283               0.71929726
## 11                T   0.583               0.41074541
## 16                T   0.910               0.08996777
## 17                T   0.042               0.96069173
## 18                T   0.203               0.80407573
## 20                A   0.352               0.62028006
## 21                A   0.133                 0.845308
## 28                T   0.072               0.97601496
## 29                A   0.879               0.12900275
## 31                T   0.631               0.37962868
## 32                A   0.415               0.58450108
## 33                T   0.066               0.93429797
## 34                T   0.784                 0.235351
## 35                G   0.153               0.83729352
## 38                T   0.700               0.32156614
## 39                A   0.746               0.25712419
## 41                T   0.548               0.44991607
## 45                A   0.848                0.1705933
## 46                T   0.629               0.36318919
## 47                T   0.152               0.86261919
## 48                T   0.251               0.74580823
## 53                A   0.303               0.70112768
## 57                A   0.454               0.55461993
## 58                A   0.666               0.33939316
## 59                T   0.407               0.58779101
## 60                A   0.359               0.61947841
## 61                A   0.403               0.57882566
## 62                G   0.646               0.34826703
## 63                T   0.542               0.46589474
## 67                A   0.394               0.60513584
## 69                A   0.384               0.61809264
## 70                T   0.527               0.48985341
## 71                T   0.812               0.19721707
## 72                T   0.265               0.74188258
## 77                A   0.620               0.38141338

a. How many SNPs have effect alleles that are coded in the opposite direction?

b. Where the effect alleles are different, flip the direction of the log odds ratio by multiplying it by -1.

If you want, you can also generate new columns that reflect the effect allele change but this isn’t used in the causal estimate.

merged$CHD_flip_log_odds <- as.numeric(merged$CHD_log_odds) # Make log odds ratio numeric
merged$CHD_log_odds_se <- as.numeric(merged$CHD_log_odds_se) # Make standard error numeric
merged$CHD_flip_log_odds[effect_diff] <- merged$CHD_flip_log_odds[effect_diff]*(-1)
##      BMI_SNP BMI_CHR      BMI_BP BMI_NearestGene BMI_Effect_Allele
## 1  rs1000940      17   5,223,976          RABEP1                 G
## 2 rs10132280      14  24,998,019          STXBP6                 C
## 3  rs1016287       2  59,159,129       LINC01122                 T
## 4 rs10182181       2  25,003,800           ADCY3                 G
## 5 rs10733682       9 128,500,735           LMX1B                 A
## 6 rs10938397       4  44,877,284          GNPDA2                 G
##   BMI_Other_Allele BMI_Beta BMI_SE BMI_EAF BMI_Variance   BMI_N    BMI_P
## 1                A    0.019  0.003   0.320       0.016% 321,836 1.28e-08
## 2                A    0.023  0.003   0.682       0.023% 321,797 1.14e-11
## 3                C    0.023  0.003   0.287       0.021% 321,969 2.25e-11
## 4                A    0.031  0.003   0.462       0.047% 321,759 8.78e-24
## 5                G    0.017  0.003   0.478       0.015% 320,727 1.83e-08
## 6                A    0.040  0.003   0.434       0.079% 320,955 3.21e-38
##   CHD_chr_pos_.b36. CHD_reference_allele CHD_other_allele
## 1     chr17:5223976                    G                A
## 2    chr14:24998019                    C                A
## 3     chr2:59159129                    C                T
## 4     chr2:25003800                    G                A
## 5    chr9:128500735                    G                A
## 6     chr4:44877284                    G                A
##   CHD_ref_allele_frequency CHD_pvalue CHD_het_pvalue CHD_log_odds
## 1               0.31640352  0.5722296     0.79718646   -0.0091901
## 2               0.66888613   0.302347      0.2972794    0.0169764
## 3               0.72117719   0.102763     0.12279346   -0.0254175
## 4               0.46240927  0.9498548     0.61182332    0.0009032
## 5               0.52449229  0.1829671      0.5076359   -0.0212797
## 6               0.41363733  0.0278084     0.68643434    0.0349131
##   CHD_log_odds_se CHD_N_case CHD_N_control CHD_model CHD_flip_log_odds
## 1       0.0162722      16633         54057        FE        -0.0091901
## 2       0.0164594      16945         58264        FE         0.0169764
## 3       0.0155782      20468         61571        FE         0.0254175
## 4       0.0143625      19568         56734        FE         0.0009032
## 5       0.0159796      15670         51340        FE         0.0212797
## 6       0.0158698      16024         55685        FE         0.0349131
## [1] 77 24

c. Check that all of the effect estimates have been flipped appropriately.

merged[effect_diff,c("BMI_SNP", "BMI_Effect_Allele","CHD_reference_allele", "CHD_log_odds", "CHD_flip_log_odds")]
##       BMI_SNP BMI_Effect_Allele CHD_reference_allele CHD_log_odds
## 3   rs1016287                 T                    C   -0.0254175
## 5  rs10733682                 A                    G   -0.0212797
## 8  rs11030104                 A                    G    -0.034644
## 10 rs11126666                 A                    G    0.0209674
## 11 rs11165643                 T                    C   -0.0007751
## 16 rs11727676                 T                    C    0.0253447
## 17 rs11847697                 T                    C   -0.0707465
## 18 rs12016871                 T                    C   -0.0181606
## 20 rs12401738                 A                    G   -0.0195047
## 21 rs12429545                 A                    G   -0.0480905
## 28 rs13107325                 T                    C   -0.0049381
## 29 rs13191362                 A                    G   -0.0116552
## 31  rs1528435                 T                    C    0.0047002
## 32  rs1558902                 A                    T   -0.0324866
## 33 rs16851483                 T                    G   -0.0188109
## 34 rs16951275                 T                    C   -0.0513109
## 35 rs17001654                 G                    C   -0.0126514
## 38 rs17405819                 T                    C   -0.0015648
## 39 rs17724992                 A                    G   -0.0493236
## 41  rs1928295                 T                    C      0.00052
## 45  rs2075650                 A                    G    0.0378692
## 46  rs2112347                 T                    G   -0.0088627
## 47  rs2121279                 T                    C   -0.0032328
## 48  rs2176598                 T                    C   -0.0247371
## 53  rs2650492                 A                    G    0.0126597
## 57  rs3736485                 A                    G    0.0091099
## 58  rs3810291                 A                    G   -0.0422661
## 59  rs3817334                 T                    C   -0.0219146
## 60  rs3849570                 A                    C   -0.0390811
## 61  rs3888190                 A                    C   -0.0042697
## 62  rs4256980                 G                    C    0.0150656
## 63  rs4740619                 T                    C   -0.0154694
## 67   rs657452                 A                    G   -0.0174996
## 69  rs7138803                 A                    G    0.0006419
## 70  rs7141420                 T                    C   -0.0018271
## 71  rs7243357                 T                    G   -0.0098297
## 72   rs758747                 T                    C    0.0613185
## 77  rs9925964                 A                    G    0.0060442
##    CHD_flip_log_odds
## 3          0.0254175
## 5          0.0212797
## 8          0.0346440
## 10        -0.0209674
## 11         0.0007751
## 16        -0.0253447
## 17         0.0707465
## 18         0.0181606
## 20         0.0195047
## 21         0.0480905
## 28         0.0049381
## 29         0.0116552
## 31        -0.0047002
## 32         0.0324866
## 33         0.0188109
## 34         0.0513109
## 35         0.0126514
## 38         0.0015648
## 39         0.0493236
## 41        -0.0005200
## 45        -0.0378692
## 46         0.0088627
## 47         0.0032328
## 48         0.0247371
## 53        -0.0126597
## 57        -0.0091099
## 58         0.0422661
## 59         0.0219146
## 60         0.0390811
## 61         0.0042697
## 62        -0.0150656
## 63         0.0154694
## 67         0.0174996
## 69        -0.0006419
## 70         0.0018271
## 71         0.0098297
## 72        -0.0613185
## 77        -0.0060442
merged[-effect_diff,c("BMI_SNP", "BMI_Effect_Allele","CHD_reference_allele", "CHD_log_odds", "CHD_flip_log_odds")]
##       BMI_SNP BMI_Effect_Allele CHD_reference_allele CHD_log_odds
## 1   rs1000940                 G                    G   -0.0091901
## 2  rs10132280                 C                    C    0.0169764
## 4  rs10182181                 G                    G    0.0009032
## 6  rs10938397                 G                    G    0.0349131
## 7  rs10968576                 G                    G      0.00811
## 9  rs11057405                 G                    G   -0.0214346
## 12 rs11191560                 C                    C   -0.0966196
## 13 rs11583200                 C                    C    0.0190464
## 14  rs1167827                 G                    G    0.0190735
## 15 rs11688816                 G                    G    0.0005135
## 19 rs12286929                 G                    G    0.0001851
## 22 rs12446632                 G                    G   -0.0101474
## 23 rs12566985                 G                    G   -0.0128532
## 24 rs12885454                 C                    C   -0.0005252
## 25 rs12940622                 G                    G    -0.005711
## 26 rs13021737                 G                    G    0.0186889
## 27 rs13078960                 G                    G   -0.0258172
## 30  rs1516725                 C                    C   -0.0279354
## 36 rs17024393                 C                    C    0.0139407
## 37 rs17094222                 C                    C   -0.0059791
## 40  rs1808579                 C                    C    0.0096342
## 42  rs2033529                 G                    G   -0.0061959
## 43  rs2033732                 C                    C   -0.0253631
## 44   rs205262                 G                    G    0.0614484
## 49  rs2207139                 G                    G    0.0170642
## 50  rs2245368                 C                    C    0.0303632
## 51  rs2287019                 C                    C     0.045534
## 52  rs2365389                 C                    C    0.0136276
## 54  rs2820292                 C                    C    0.0359029
## 55    rs29941                 G                    G   -0.0044497
## 56  rs3101336                 C                    C     0.005948
## 64   rs543874                 G                    G    -0.004636
## 65  rs6477694                 C                    C    -0.026955
## 66  rs6567160                 C                    C     0.024367
## 68  rs6804842                 G                    G    0.0016094
## 73  rs7599312                 G                    G    0.0016027
## 74  rs7899106                 G                    G   -0.0163075
## 75  rs7903146                 C                    C   -0.0192779
## 76  rs9400239                 C                    C    0.0348705
##    CHD_flip_log_odds
## 1         -0.0091901
## 2          0.0169764
## 4          0.0009032
## 6          0.0349131
## 7          0.0081100
## 9         -0.0214346
## 12        -0.0966196
## 13         0.0190464
## 14         0.0190735
## 15         0.0005135
## 19         0.0001851
## 22        -0.0101474
## 23        -0.0128532
## 24        -0.0005252
## 25        -0.0057110
## 26         0.0186889
## 27        -0.0258172
## 30        -0.0279354
## 36         0.0139407
## 37        -0.0059791
## 40         0.0096342
## 42        -0.0061959
## 43        -0.0253631
## 44         0.0614484
## 49         0.0170642
## 50         0.0303632
## 51         0.0455340
## 52         0.0136276
## 54         0.0359029
## 55        -0.0044497
## 56         0.0059480
## 64        -0.0046360
## 65        -0.0269550
## 66         0.0243670
## 68         0.0016094
## 73         0.0016027
## 74        -0.0163075
## 75        -0.0192779
## 76         0.0348705

d. Check that the effect allele frequencies are correlated.

Check correlation of effect allele frequency between BMI and CARDIOGRAM datasets before harmonising alleles.

merged$BMI_EAF <- as.numeric(merged$BMI_EAF)
merged$CHD_ref_allele_frequency <- as.numeric(merged$CHD_ref_allele_frequency)
## [1] -0.007221126

Check correlation of effect allele frequency between BMI and CARDIOGRAM datasets after harmonising alleles

merged$CHD_ref_allele_frequency[effect_diff] <- 1-merged$CHD_ref_allele_frequency[effect_diff]
## [1] 0.9980439

e. What happened and why?


Estimate the effect of BMI on CHD.

1. Estimate the Wald ratios for each SNP and their delta approximated standard errors.

gp <- merged$BMI_Beta # The effect of the SNP on BMI
segp <- merged$BMI_SE # The standard error of the SNP effect on BMI 
gd <- merged$CHD_flip_log_odds # The log odds ratio for CHD (that were harmonized to reflect an increase in BMI) 
segd <- merged$CHD_log_odds_se # Standard error of the log odds ratio 
wald_ratio <- gd/gp # The log odds ratios of CHD per unit change in BMI 
Cov <- 0 # Only required when the SNP-BMI and SNP-CHD associations are estimated in the same participants (therefore for two-sample MR with non-overlapping samples, this is set to 0)
wald_ratio_se <- sqrt((segd^2/gp^2) + (gd^2/gp^4)*segp^2 - 2*(gd/gp^3)*Cov) # Delta approximated standard error of the wald ratio; see Thomas, D. C., Lawlor, D. a, & Thompson, J. R. (2007). Re: Estimation of bias in nongenetic observational studies using Mendelian triangulation by Bautista et al. Annals of Epidemiology, 17(7), 5113. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2006.12.005
z <- wald_ratio/wald_ratio_se # Z statistic for the wald ratio
p <- 2*pnorm(abs(z) ,lower.tail=F) # P value for the z statistics under the null hypothesis that there is not effect
wald_ratio_var = wald_ratio_se^2 # Variance
weight <- 1/wald_ratio_var # Inverse variance weight
snps <- merged$BMI_SNP # SNPs that we will use in the estimates

2. Combine the Wald ratios by fixed effects meta-analysis.

meta_results <- metagen(wald_ratio,wald_ratio_se,comb.fixed=T,sm="OR") #combine the SNPs by fixed effects meta-analysis
## Number of studies: k = 77
##                          OR           95%-CI    z  p-value
## Common effect model  1.3189 [1.1558; 1.5051] 4.11 < 0.0001
## Random effects model 1.2950 [1.1081; 1.5133] 3.25   0.0012
## Quantifying heterogeneity:
##  tau^2 = 0.0723 [0.0447; 0.6449]; tau = 0.2689 [0.2114; 0.8031]
##  I^2 = 31.5% [9.0%; 48.5%]; H = 1.21 [1.05; 1.39]
## Test of heterogeneity:
##       Q d.f. p-value
##  110.97   76  0.0055
## Details on meta-analytical method:
## - Inverse variance method
## - Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
## - Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau

3. Create a nice table of the results, which you could export to other programs e.g. excel, STATA etc.

mr_results <- data.frame(matrix(c(as.character(merged$BMI_SNP),round(wald_ratio,2),round(wald_ratio_se,2),round(p,3)),nrow=length(merged$BMI_SNP),ncol=4))
names(mr_results) <- c("SNP","log_odds","se","p")
mr_results_order <- mr_results[order(mr_results$log_odds),]
overall_genetic_effect <- data.frame(matrix(c("Overall genetic effect",meta_results$TE.fixed,meta_results$seTE.fixed,meta_results$pval.fixed),nrow=1,ncol=4))
names(overall_genetic_effect) <- c("SNP","log_odds","se","p")
##                      SNP          log_odds                 se
## 1 Overall genetic effect 0.276824963891921 0.0673660975621878
##                      p
## 1 3.96925063511262e-05
twosampleResults <- rbind.fill(mr_results_order,overall_genetic_effect) 
##                       SNP          log_odds                 se
## 1               rs7138803             -0.02               0.47
## 2              rs12885454             -0.03               0.71
## 3               rs1928295             -0.03               0.74
## 4                rs543874              -0.1               0.37
## 5              rs17094222             -0.24               0.69
## 6              rs12446632             -0.25               0.53
## 7                 rs29941             -0.25               0.83
## 8               rs1528435             -0.26               0.79
## 9              rs12940622             -0.32               0.77
## 10              rs9925964             -0.32               0.75
## 11              rs2033529             -0.33               0.83
## 12              rs7899106             -0.41               0.75
## 13              rs1000940             -0.48               0.86
## 14              rs3736485             -0.51               0.78
## 15             rs12566985             -0.54               0.58
## 16              rs2650492              -0.6               1.05
## 17              rs1516725             -0.62               0.45
## 18             rs11057405             -0.69               0.99
## 19             rs11727676              -0.7               0.92
## 20              rs4256980             -0.72                0.7
## 21              rs7903146             -0.84               0.67
## 22             rs13078960             -0.86               0.59
## 23             rs11126666                -1               0.76
## 24              rs2033732             -1.33               0.93
## 25              rs2075650             -1.46               1.16
## 26              rs6477694             -1.59               0.89
## 27               rs758747             -2.67                1.1
## 28             rs11191560             -3.12               0.97
## 29             rs12286929              0.01               0.63
## 30             rs10182181              0.03               0.46
## 31             rs11688816              0.03               0.83
## 32             rs11165643              0.04               0.64
## 33             rs17405819              0.07               0.68
## 34              rs7599312              0.07               0.72
## 35              rs6804842              0.08               0.76
## 36              rs7141420              0.08               0.58
## 37             rs13107325               0.1               0.88
## 38              rs2121279              0.13               0.81
## 39              rs3888190              0.14               0.85
## 40              rs3101336              0.18               0.44
## 41             rs17024393              0.21               0.68
## 42             rs13021737              0.31               0.31
## 43             rs10968576              0.32                0.6
## 44              rs2112347              0.34               0.56
## 45              rs2207139              0.38               0.41
## 46             rs16851483              0.39                0.6
## 47              rs1558902               0.4               0.17
## 48             rs17001654              0.41               0.61
## 49             rs13191362              0.42               0.74
## 50              rs6567160              0.44               0.29
## 51              rs7243357              0.45               0.84
## 52              rs1808579              0.57               0.85
## 53             rs12016871              0.61               0.59
## 54              rs2365389              0.68               0.71
## 55             rs10132280              0.74               0.72
## 56               rs657452              0.76               0.64
## 57             rs11030104              0.84               0.44
## 58              rs3817334              0.84               0.55
## 59              rs4740619              0.86               0.79
## 60             rs10938397              0.87                0.4
## 61             rs12401738              0.93               0.73
## 62              rs1167827              0.95               0.82
## 63              rs2245368              0.95                1.6
## 64             rs11583200              1.06               0.81
## 65              rs1016287              1.11               0.69
## 66              rs2176598              1.24               0.85
## 67             rs10733682              1.25               0.97
## 68              rs2287019              1.26               0.69
## 69             rs11847697              1.44               0.77
## 70             rs12429545              1.46               0.74
## 71              rs3810291              1.51               0.73
## 72             rs16951275              1.66               0.59
## 73              rs2820292               1.8               0.75
## 74              rs9400239              1.84               0.86
## 75              rs3849570              2.06               1.38
## 76             rs17724992               2.6               1.03
## 77               rs205262              2.79               0.88
## 78 Overall genetic effect 0.276824963891921 0.0673660975621878
##                       p
## 1                 0.966
## 2                 0.972
## 3                  0.97
## 4                 0.793
## 5                 0.728
## 6                  0.63
## 7                 0.766
## 8                 0.742
## 9                 0.682
## 10                 0.67
## 11                0.694
## 12                0.587
## 13                0.574
## 14                0.519
## 15                 0.36
## 16                0.566
## 17                0.168
## 18                0.484
## 19                0.444
## 20                0.305
## 21                 0.21
## 22                0.142
## 23                0.189
## 24                0.153
## 25                0.209
## 26                0.074
## 27                0.016
## 28                0.001
## 29                0.989
## 30                 0.95
## 31                0.971
## 32                0.956
## 33                0.917
## 34                0.919
## 35                0.911
## 36                0.895
## 37                0.907
## 38                0.874
## 39                0.871
## 40                 0.68
## 41                0.756
## 42                0.316
## 43                0.588
## 44                0.542
## 45                0.357
## 46                0.511
## 47                0.021
## 48                0.506
## 49                0.574
## 50                0.135
## 51                0.596
## 52                0.503
## 53                0.309
## 54                 0.34
## 55                0.307
## 56                0.232
## 57                0.054
## 58                0.125
## 59                0.276
## 60                 0.03
## 61                0.203
## 62                0.244
## 63                0.553
## 64                0.193
## 65                0.111
## 66                0.144
## 67                0.195
## 68                0.068
## 69                0.059
## 70                0.049
## 71                0.039
## 72                0.005
## 73                0.016
## 74                0.032
## 75                0.137
## 76                0.012
## 77                0.002
## 78 3.96925063511262e-05

Calculate heterogeneity p value.

p_het <- pchisq(meta_results$Q,meta_results$df.Q,lower.tail=F)

Add the p value for heterogeneity to the results table.

twosampleResults$p_chi[twosampleResults$SNP=="Overall genetic effect"] <- p_het
##                       SNP          log_odds                 se
## 1               rs7138803             -0.02               0.47
## 2              rs12885454             -0.03               0.71
## 3               rs1928295             -0.03               0.74
## 4                rs543874              -0.1               0.37
## 5              rs17094222             -0.24               0.69
## 6              rs12446632             -0.25               0.53
## 7                 rs29941             -0.25               0.83
## 8               rs1528435             -0.26               0.79
## 9              rs12940622             -0.32               0.77
## 10              rs9925964             -0.32               0.75
## 11              rs2033529             -0.33               0.83
## 12              rs7899106             -0.41               0.75
## 13              rs1000940             -0.48               0.86
## 14              rs3736485             -0.51               0.78
## 15             rs12566985             -0.54               0.58
## 16              rs2650492              -0.6               1.05
## 17              rs1516725             -0.62               0.45
## 18             rs11057405             -0.69               0.99
## 19             rs11727676              -0.7               0.92
## 20              rs4256980             -0.72                0.7
## 21              rs7903146             -0.84               0.67
## 22             rs13078960             -0.86               0.59
## 23             rs11126666                -1               0.76
## 24              rs2033732             -1.33               0.93
## 25              rs2075650             -1.46               1.16
## 26              rs6477694             -1.59               0.89
## 27               rs758747             -2.67                1.1
## 28             rs11191560             -3.12               0.97
## 29             rs12286929              0.01               0.63
## 30             rs10182181              0.03               0.46
## 31             rs11688816              0.03               0.83
## 32             rs11165643              0.04               0.64
## 33             rs17405819              0.07               0.68
## 34              rs7599312              0.07               0.72
## 35              rs6804842              0.08               0.76
## 36              rs7141420              0.08               0.58
## 37             rs13107325               0.1               0.88
## 38              rs2121279              0.13               0.81
## 39              rs3888190              0.14               0.85
## 40              rs3101336              0.18               0.44
## 41             rs17024393              0.21               0.68
## 42             rs13021737              0.31               0.31
## 43             rs10968576              0.32                0.6
## 44              rs2112347              0.34               0.56
## 45              rs2207139              0.38               0.41
## 46             rs16851483              0.39                0.6
## 47              rs1558902               0.4               0.17
## 48             rs17001654              0.41               0.61
## 49             rs13191362              0.42               0.74
## 50              rs6567160              0.44               0.29
## 51              rs7243357              0.45               0.84
## 52              rs1808579              0.57               0.85
## 53             rs12016871              0.61               0.59
## 54              rs2365389              0.68               0.71
## 55             rs10132280              0.74               0.72
## 56               rs657452              0.76               0.64
## 57             rs11030104              0.84               0.44
## 58              rs3817334              0.84               0.55
## 59              rs4740619              0.86               0.79
## 60             rs10938397              0.87                0.4
## 61             rs12401738              0.93               0.73
## 62              rs1167827              0.95               0.82
## 63              rs2245368              0.95                1.6
## 64             rs11583200              1.06               0.81
## 65              rs1016287              1.11               0.69
## 66              rs2176598              1.24               0.85
## 67             rs10733682              1.25               0.97
## 68              rs2287019              1.26               0.69
## 69             rs11847697              1.44               0.77
## 70             rs12429545              1.46               0.74
## 71              rs3810291              1.51               0.73
## 72             rs16951275              1.66               0.59
## 73              rs2820292               1.8               0.75
## 74              rs9400239              1.84               0.86
## 75              rs3849570              2.06               1.38
## 76             rs17724992               2.6               1.03
## 77               rs205262              2.79               0.88
## 78 Overall genetic effect 0.276824963891921 0.0673660975621878
##                       p      p_chi
## 1                 0.966         NA
## 2                 0.972         NA
## 3                  0.97         NA
## 4                 0.793         NA
## 5                 0.728         NA
## 6                  0.63         NA
## 7                 0.766         NA
## 8                 0.742         NA
## 9                 0.682         NA
## 10                 0.67         NA
## 11                0.694         NA
## 12                0.587         NA
## 13                0.574         NA
## 14                0.519         NA
## 15                 0.36         NA
## 16                0.566         NA
## 17                0.168         NA
## 18                0.484         NA
## 19                0.444         NA
## 20                0.305         NA
## 21                 0.21         NA
## 22                0.142         NA
## 23                0.189         NA
## 24                0.153         NA
## 25                0.209         NA
## 26                0.074         NA
## 27                0.016         NA
## 28                0.001         NA
## 29                0.989         NA
## 30                 0.95         NA
## 31                0.971         NA
## 32                0.956         NA
## 33                0.917         NA
## 34                0.919         NA
## 35                0.911         NA
## 36                0.895         NA
## 37                0.907         NA
## 38                0.874         NA
## 39                0.871         NA
## 40                 0.68         NA
## 41                0.756         NA
## 42                0.316         NA
## 43                0.588         NA
## 44                0.542         NA
## 45                0.357         NA
## 46                0.511         NA
## 47                0.021         NA
## 48                0.506         NA
## 49                0.574         NA
## 50                0.135         NA
## 51                0.596         NA
## 52                0.503         NA
## 53                0.309         NA
## 54                 0.34         NA
## 55                0.307         NA
## 56                0.232         NA
## 57                0.054         NA
## 58                0.125         NA
## 59                0.276         NA
## 60                 0.03         NA
## 61                0.203         NA
## 62                0.244         NA
## 63                0.553         NA
## 64                0.193         NA
## 65                0.111         NA
## 66                0.144         NA
## 67                0.195         NA
## 68                0.068         NA
## 69                0.059         NA
## 70                0.049         NA
## 71                0.039         NA
## 72                0.005         NA
## 73                0.016         NA
## 74                0.032         NA
## 75                0.137         NA
## 76                0.012         NA
## 77                0.002         NA
## 78 3.96925063511262e-05 0.00550122

4. Create a forest plot of the results and compare the genetic and observational associations.

The observational effect is 1.23 (95% CI: 1.17, 1.29) per 4.56 kg/m2 (i.e., per SD) increase in BMI.
Formula for SE from 95% confidence interval: (log(uci)-log(lci))/(1.96*2)

effect <- c(wald_ratio[order(wald_ratio)],meta_results$TE.fixed,log(1.23))
se <- c(wald_ratio_se[order(wald_ratio)],meta_results$seTE.fixed,(log(1.29)-log(1.17))/(1.96*2))
snps <- c(as.character(merged$BMI_SNP)[order(wald_ratio)],"Overall genetic effect","Observational effect")
metaplot(effect,se,labels=snps,conf.level=0.95,logeffect=T,nn=0.1,boxsize=1,xlab="Odds ratio & 95% confidence interval",ylab="SNP",cex=0.7)

5. Interpret the results.

a. Is the MR-derived effect similar to the observational association?

b. Is there evidence of heterogeneity in the genetic effects? How do you interpret this?

c. Can you think of reasons for caution?


Sensitivity analyses.

All that is required is summary level results for each SNP (remember gp, segp, gd, segd from PART 4).

gp <- merged$BMI_Beta (The effect of the SNP on BMI)

segp <- merged$BMI_SE (The standard error of the SNP effect on BMI)

gd <- merged$CHD_flip_log_odd (The log odds ratio for CHD (that were harmonized to reflect an increase in BMI)

segd <- merged$CHD_log_odds_se (Standard error of the log odds ratio)

1. These functions define the IVW, MR-Egger, weighted median and weighted mode estimators, respectively, and a function that wraps up the results.

set seed for replication purposes

two.sample.iv.ivw <- function(x, y, sigmax, sigmay) {
  beta.ivw.fit  = summary(lm(y~x-1, weights=sigmay^-2))
  beta.ivw.fit.only  = lm(y~x-1, weights=sigmay^-2)
  beta.ivw      = beta.ivw.fit$coef[1,1]
  beta.se.ivw   = beta.ivw.fit$coef[1,2]/min(beta.ivw.fit$sigma,1) 
  beta.df.ivw   = length(y) - 1
  beta.p.ivw    = 2*(1-pt(abs(beta.ivw/beta.se.ivw),beta.df.ivw))
  beta.lower.ivw   = beta.ivw + (-1*qt(df=beta.df.ivw, 0.975)*beta.se.ivw)
  beta.upper.ivw   = beta.ivw + (1*qt(df=beta.df.ivw, 0.975)*beta.se.ivw)
weighted.median <- function(x, w) {
  N    = length(x)
  ord  = order(x);
  x    = x[ord];
  w    = w[ord];
  Sn   = cumsum(w) 
  S_N  = Sn[N] 
  Pn   = (100/S_N)*(Sn-w/2)
  if(sort(abs(Pn-50))[1] == 0){M = which(Pn==50); return(x[M])} 
  Q  = length(Pn[sign(Pn-50)==-1])
  V1 = Q;  V2 = Q+1
  M  = x[V1] + (50 - Pn[V1])*(x[V2]-x[V1])/(Pn[V2]-Pn[V1])
weighted.median.boot <- function(x, y, sigmax, sigmay, Nsim, alpha, W) {
  med = NULL
  for (i in 1:Nsim){
    y_boot  = rnorm(length(y), mean=y, sd=sigmay)
    x_boot  = rnorm(length(x), mean=x, sd=sigmax)
    iv_boot = y_boot/x_boot
    run = weighted.median(iv_boot,W)
    med[i]  = run$beta.median
  lower = Nsim*alpha/2
  upper = Nsim*(1-alpha/2)
  Sort  = sort(med)
  lowerCI = Sort[lower]
  upperCI = Sort[upper]
  se    = sd(med)
  t     = mean(med)/se
  p     = 2*(1-pt(abs(t),length(y)-1))
two.sample.iv.egger <- function(x, y, sigmax, sigmay) {
  egger.fit       = summary(lm(y~x, weights=sigmay^-2))
  df.egger        = length(y) - 2
  beta.egger      = egger.fit$coef[2,1]
  beta.se.egger   = egger.fit$coef[2,2] / min(egger.fit$sigma, 1)
  beta.p.egger    = 2*(1-pt(abs(beta.egger/beta.se.egger),df.egger))
  beta.lower.egger   = beta.egger + (-1*qt(df=df.egger, 0.975)*beta.se.egger)
  beta.upper.egger   = beta.egger + (1*qt(df=df.egger, 0.975)*beta.se.egger)
  alpha.egger     = egger.fit$coef[1,1]
  alpha.se.egger  = egger.fit$coef[1,2] / min(egger.fit$sigma, 1)
  alpha.p.egger   = 2*(1-pt(abs(alpha.egger/alpha.se.egger),df.egger))
  alpha.lower.egger   = alpha.egger + (-1*qt(df=df.egger, 0.975)*alpha.se.egger)
  alpha.upper.egger   = alpha.egger + (1*qt(df=df.egger, 0.975)*alpha.se.egger)
ModeEstimator <- function(x, y, sigmax, sigmay, phi=c(1,0.5,0.25), n_boot=1e4, alpha=0.05) {
  beta <- function(BetaIV.in, seBetaIV.in) {
    s <- 0.9*(min(sd(BetaIV.in), mad(BetaIV.in)))/length(BetaIV.in)^(1/5)
    weights <- seBetaIV.in^-2/sum(seBetaIV.in^-2)
    beta <- NULL
    for(cur_phi in phi) {
      h <- s*cur_phi
      densityIV <- density(BetaIV.in, weights=weights, bw=h)
      beta[length(beta)+1] <- densityIV$x[densityIV$y==max(densityIV$y)]
  boot <- function(BetaIV.in, seBetaIV.in, beta_Mode.in) {
    beta.boot <- matrix(nrow=n_boot, ncol=length(beta_Mode.in))
    for(i in 1:n_boot) {
      BetaIV.boot      <- rnorm(length(BetaIV.in), mean=BetaIV.in, sd=seBetaIV.in[,1])
      BetaIV.boot_NOME <- rnorm(length(BetaIV.in), mean=BetaIV.in, sd=seBetaIV.in[,2])
      beta.boot[i,1:length(phi)]                     <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot, seBetaIV.in=rep(1, length(BetaIV)))
      beta.boot[i,(length(phi)+1):(2*length(phi))]   <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV.in[,1])
      beta.boot[i,(2*length(phi)+1):(3*length(phi))] <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot_NOME, seBetaIV.in=rep(1, length(BetaIV)))
      beta.boot[i,(3*length(phi)+1):(4*length(phi))] <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot_NOME, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV.in[,2])
  BetaIV   <- y/x    
  seBetaIV <- cbind(sqrt((sigmay^2)/(x^2) + ((y^2)*(sigmax^2))/(x^4)), sigmay/abs(x)) 
  beta_SimpleMode        <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=rep(1, length(BetaIV)))
  beta_WeightedMode      <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV[,1])
  beta_WeightedMode_NOME <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV[,2])
  beta_Mode <- rep(c(beta_SimpleMode, beta_WeightedMode,
                     beta_SimpleMode, beta_WeightedMode_NOME))
  beta_Mode.boot <- boot(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV, beta_Mode.in=beta_Mode)
  se_Mode <- apply(beta_Mode.boot, 2, mad)
  CIlow_Mode <- beta_Mode-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se_Mode
  CIupp_Mode <- beta_Mode+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se_Mode
  P_Mode <- pt(abs(beta_Mode/se_Mode), df=length(x)-1, lower.tail=F)*2
  Method <- rep(c('Simple', 'Weighted', 'Simple (NOME)', 'Weighted (NOME)'), each=length(phi))
  Results <- data.frame(Method, phi, beta_Mode, se_Mode, CIlow_Mode, CIupp_Mode, P_Mode)  
  colnames(Results) <- c('Method', 'phi', 'Estimate', 'SE', 'CI_low', 'CI_upp', 'P')
MR_output <- function(ivw,egger,median, mode) {
  output = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=5, ncol=7))
  names(output) = c("test", "parameter", "estimate", "se", "lower_CI", "upper_CI","p_value")
  output[1:5,1] = c("IVW","MR-Egger","MR-Egger","Weighted_median","Weighted_mode")
  output[1:5,2] = c("beta","beta","alpha","beta","beta") 
  output[1,3:7] = c(IVW$beta.ivw,IVW$beta.se.ivw,IVW$beta.lower.ivw,IVW$beta.upper.ivw,IVW$beta.p.ivw)
  output[2,3:7] = c(Egger$beta.egger,Egger$beta.se.egger,Egger$beta.lower.egger,Egger$beta.upper.egger,Egger$beta.p.egger)
  output[3,3:7] = c(Egger$alpha.egger,Egger$alpha.se.egger,Egger$alpha.lower.egger,Egger$alpha.upper.egger,Egger$alpha.p.egger)
  output[4,3:7] = c(Median$beta.median,MedianBoot$beta.se.median,MedianBoot$beta.lower.median,MedianBoot$beta.upper.median,MedianBoot$beta.p.median)
  output[5,3:7] = c(Mode$Estimate[Mode$Method=="Weighted (NOME)" & Mode$phi==1.00],Mode$SE[Mode$Method=="Weighted (NOME)" & Mode$phi==1.00],Mode$CI_low[Mode$Method=="Weighted (NOME)" & Mode$phi==1.00],Mode$CI_upp[Mode$Method=="Weighted (NOME)" & Mode$phi==1.00],Mode$P[Mode$Method=="Weighted (NOME)" & Mode$phi==1.00])

2. Use the functions to estimate the results.

IVW <- two.sample.iv.ivw(gp,gd,segp,segd)
Egger <- two.sample.iv.egger(gp,gd,segp,segd)
Median <- weighted.median(wald_ratio,weight)
MedianBoot <- weighted.median.boot(gp,gd,segp,segd,1000,0.05,weight)
Mode <- ModeEstimator(gp,gd,segp,segd)
sensitivity <- MR_output(IVW,Egger,Median,Mode)
##              test parameter     estimate          se    lower_CI    upper_CI
## 1             IVW      beta  0.287658553 0.086237732  0.11590122 0.459415882
## 2        MR-Egger      beta  0.375935570 0.209803912 -0.04201525 0.793886395
## 3        MR-Egger     alpha -0.002791481 0.006041587 -0.01482694 0.009243978
## 4 Weighted_median      beta  0.379652982 0.117839188  0.08299413 0.554455224
## 5   Weighted_mode      beta  0.311258179 0.129495876  0.05745093 0.565065432
##       p_value
## 1 0.001318512
## 2 0.077191677
## 3 0.645387108
## 4 0.005920437
## 5 0.018671609

IVW - Inverse Variance Weighted - Combines the Wald ratios using an inverse variance weighted meta-analysis, where the weight of each ratio is the inverse of the variance of the association between the SNP and the outcome.

MR-Egger - combines the Wald ratio’s together into a meta-regression to estimate the causal effect adjusted for any directional pleiotropy. This approach is less powered than the IVW.

MR-Egger (alpha) - the intercept of the MR-egger meta-regression. Provides an indication of horizontal pleiotropy when it is not null.

Weighted_median - assigns a weight to each SNP derived from the inverse variance of each SNP’s effect on the outcome. This robust method requires only 50% of the variants to be valid and not exhibit horizontal pleiotropy, unmeasured confounding, etc.

Weighted_mode - also assigns a weight to each SNP derived from the inverse variance of each SNP’s effect on the outcome. used to provide a robust estimate of the causal effect in the presence of heterogeneity.