We will learn how to evaluate the prediction accuracy in quantitative and disease traits using various statistics. We will also use simulation to demonstrate potential pitfalls in the PGS prediction analysis.

The materials below are adapted from this practical from a previous course.

1 Prediction accurarcy

1.1 R-square for quantitative traits

### the input data is store in this folder
infolder = "/data/module5/sim/"  
### simulate the data
set.seed(100)  # set this seed so you can get the same result
n = 10000
### quantitative trait
yhat = rnorm(n)
age = as.integer(runif(n, 20, 60))
sex = rbinom(n, 1, 0.55)
y = yhat*sqrt(0.1) + scale(age)*sqrt(0.02) +  rnorm(n)*sqrt(0.88)
ids = paste("indi", 1:n, sep="")
data = data.frame(ID=ids, pheno=y, prs=yhat, age=age, sex=sex)
### linear regression
lmR = lm(pheno ~ age + sex, data=data)  ### reduced module
lmF = lm(pheno ~ age + sex + prs, data=data) ### full module
### look at the summary results for the two models
### incremental r-square
summary(lmF)$"r.square" - summary(lmR)$"r.square"
## [1] 0.09699013

1.2 Nagelkerke’s R-sqaure

### simulate the data
### binary trait
yhat = rnorm(n)
age = as.integer(runif(n, 20, 60))
sex = rbinom(n, 1, 0.55)
y = yhat*sqrt(0.1) + scale(age)*sqrt(0.02) +  rnorm(n)*sqrt(0.88)
y = as.numeric(y>=0)
ids = paste("indi", 1:n, sep="")
data = data.frame(ID=ids, pheno=y, prs=yhat, age=age, sex=sex)
### logistic regression
glmR = glm(pheno ~ age + sex, data=data, family=binomial(logit))  ### reduced module
glmF = glm(pheno ~ age + sex + prs, data=data, family=binomial(logit))  ### full module
### look at the summary results for the two models
### log-likelihood
N = nrow(data)
LLF = logLik(glmF)
LLR = logLik(glmR)

### Cox&Snell R2
CSv <-  1-exp((2/N)*(LLR[1]-LLF[1]))
## [1] 0.065939
### Nagelkerke's R2
NKv <- CSv/(1-exp((2/N)*LLR[1]))
## [1] 0.08815463

1.3 AUC

### AUC
### install.packages('pROC')
aucF = auc(data$pheno, glmF$linear.predictors)  ### AUC for full module
aucR = auc(data$pheno, glmR$linear.predictors)  ### AUC for reduced module
aucF; aucR
## Area under the curve: 0.6549
## Area under the curve: 0.5509
aucF - aucR
## [1] 0.104029
### draw the ROC
plotROC(data=data, cOutcome=2, predrisk=glmF$linear.predictors)

## AUC [95% CI] for the model 1 :  0.655 [ 0.644  -  0.666 ]

1.4 Variance explained on liability scale

### function to convert R-square from 0-1 observed scale
### to liability scale
h2l_R2 <- function(k, r2, p) {
  # k baseline disease risk
  # r2 from a linear regression model of genomic profile risk score
  # p proportion of sample that are cases
  # calculates proportion of variance explained on the liability scale
  # from ABC at http://www.complextraitgenomics.com/software/
  # Lee SH, Goddard ME, Wray NR, Visscher PM. (2012) A better coefficient of determination for genetic profile analysis. Genet Epidemiol. 2012 Apr;36(3):214-24.
  x = qnorm(1-k)
  z = dnorm(x)
  i = z/k
  C = k*(1-k)*k*(1-k)/(z^2*p*(1-p))
  theta = i*((p-k)/(1-k))*(i*((p-k)/(1-k))-x)
  h2l_R2 = C*r2 / (1 + C*theta*r2)
K=0.1  ## population prevalence
P = sum(data$pheno)/nrow(data)  ### propotion of cases in the sample
## [1] 0.5073
### linear regression with 0/1 values
lmR = lm(pheno~age+sex, data=data)
lmF = lm(pheno~age+sex+prs, data=data)
#R2v = summary(lmF)$"r.square" - summary(lmR)$"r.square"
#To strictly follow the equation 7 in Lee et al.
R2v = 1-exp((2/N)*(logLik(lmR)[1]-logLik(lmF)[1]))
## [1] 0.06595017
### convert to liability scale
## [1] 0.07130684

1.5 Decile Odds Ratio

### cut into deciles
data$decile = cut(data$prs, breaks=c(quantile(data$prs, probs=seq(0,1,by=0.1))), labels=1:10, include.lowest=T)
### calculate manually the odds in each decile
#### install.packages("tidyverse")
data %>% group_by(decile) %>% 
    summarise(n_case=sum(pheno==1), n_control=sum(pheno==0)) %>%
    mutate(odds = n_case/n_control) %>%
    mutate(ORs = odds/odds[1])
## # A tibble: 10 × 5
##    decile n_case n_control  odds   ORs
##    <fct>   <int>     <int> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 1         280       720 0.389  1   
##  2 2         362       638 0.567  1.46
##  3 3         438       562 0.779  2.00
##  4 4         440       560 0.786  2.02
##  5 5         507       493 1.03   2.64
##  6 6         518       482 1.07   2.76
##  7 7         570       430 1.33   3.41
##  8 8         584       416 1.40   3.61
##  9 9         643       357 1.80   4.63
## 10 10        731       269 2.72   6.99
### calculate ORs using logistic regression
glmD <- glm(pheno ~ decile, data = data, family = binomial(logit))
### Odds for being a case compared to control in each decile
ORD <- exp(glmD$coefficients)
## (Intercept)     decile2     decile3     decile4     decile5     decile6 
##   0.3888889   1.4590237   2.0040671   2.0204082   2.6444509   2.7634855 
##     decile7     decile8     decile9    decile10 
##   3.4086379   3.6098901   4.6314526   6.9877854
### Plot odds
ORDL <- exp(glmD$coefficients-1.96*summary(glmD)$coefficients[,2])
ORDH <- exp(glmD$coefficients+1.96*summary(glmD)$coefficients[,2])
arrows(seq(1,10,1), ORD, seq(1,10,1), ORDH, angle=90,length=0.10) # Draw error bars
arrows(seq(1,10,1), ORD, seq(1,10,1), ORDL, angle=90,length=0.10) # Draw error bars

2 Pitfalls

2.1 Simulate data

### we simulate data now
set.seed(612)    ### set a seed for reproducation
n=1000; m=100    ### n: sample size; m: the number of SNPs

### simulate gneotype from binomial distribution
### minor allele frequency from uniform distribution
mafs = runif(m, 0.05, 0.5)
x = do.call("cbind", lapply(1:m, function(x) rbinom(n, 2, mafs[x]))) 
colnames(x) = paste("SNP", 1:m, sep="")

### simulate a phenotype from an independent standard normal distribution
### null hypothesis: prediction accuracy should be 0
y = rnorm(n)
data = data.frame(y, x)

2.2 Directly report R2 in the discovery sample

### E(R2) = m/n when m<n
summary(lm(as.formula(paste("y~", paste("SNP", 1:m, sep="", collapse="+"), sep="")),data=data.frame(data)))$"r.square"
## [1] 0.08951179

What is the R2? Is it close to m/n, where m is the number of SNPs and n is the sample size?

2.3 Winner’s curse

### perform GWAS: association using R lm() function
### instead of Plink software (only practical for small data)
### select the top 10 SNPs
pvals = sapply(1:m, function(i) coef(summary(lm(y~x[,i])))[2,4])
### No p-values passed Bonferroni threshold of 5e-4 (0.05/100)
## [1] 0.0007738269 0.0144049898 0.0185012440 0.0612186306 0.0612745215
## [6] 0.0616904469
top10SNPs = colnames(x)[head(order(pvals), 10)]
summary(lm(as.formula(paste("y~", paste(top10SNPs, collapse="+"), sep="")),data=data))$"r.square"
## [1] 0.04027331

What is the R2? Is it close to m/n, where m is the number of SNPs and n is the sample size?

2.4 Estimate the SNPs in the total sample, and evaluate in the target sample

### first 900 samples into discovery set
y_dis = y[1:900]
x_dis = x[1:900,]
### the remaining 100 samples into target set
y_target = y[901:1000]
x_target = x[901:1000,]

### estimate effect sizes in the total sample
b_total = sapply(1:m, function(i) coef(summary(lm(y~x[,i])))[2,1])
### evaluate the PRS in the target sample
prs1 = x_target %*% b_total
## [1] 0.1573479
### estimate effect sizes only in the discovery sample
b_dis = sapply(1:m, function(i) coef(summary(lm(y_dis~x_dis[,i])))[2,1])
### evaluate the PRS in the target sample
prs2 = x_target %*% b_dis
## [1] 0.001510061

What is the R2? Is it expected?